1988 May 4 - 1988 May 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
National Health (Expenditure and efficiency in the National Health Service (NHS): NHS Review) (Part 12)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Jul 21 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 370 |
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PREM19/2338 - download whole file (PDF, 347.11 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 21 - 40 of 52
Date | Value | Title |
88 May 15 Su | Major | NHS: John Major minute to John Moore ("Review of the RAWP Formula") [acceptance of report's recommendations will not prejudice the wider NHS review] [released July 2016] |
88 May 16 Mo | Minor | NHS: Paul Gray minute to Moore PS ("Nurses' Education and Training: Project 2000") [cost implications of the proposals] [released July 2016] |
88 May 16 Mo | Major | NHS: John Moore minute to Nigel Lawson ("Health Index") [portfolio of health indicators] [released July 2016] |
88 May 17 Tu | Major | NHS: John Major minute to John Moore ("Reform of Nurse Education and Training") [must improve career structure and prospects of staff] [released July 2016] |
88 May 17 Tu | Major | NHS: Kenneth Moore minute to John Moore ("Nurses' Education and Training: 'Project 2000'") [costs of any increased NHS-based training] [released July 2016] |
88 May 17 Tu | Major | NHS: Norman Fowler minute to John Moore ("Nurse Training") [opportunities for both men and women] [released July 2016] |
88 May 17 Tu | Major | NHS: Northern Regional Health Authority letter to John O'Sullivan (NHS Review) ["tinkering at the edge will not do"] [released July 2016] |
88 May 19 Th | Major | NHS: Moore PS minute to Paul Gray ("Implications of the RAWP Review Recommendations for Regions") [impact of applying revised formula] [released July 2016] |
88 May 19 Th | Major | NHS: Miriam Stoppard letter to MT (NHS Review) ["everyone has the right to medical care"] [released July 2016] |
88 May 19 Th | Major | NHS: Royal College of Midwives letter to MT (NHS Review) ["no Government can abdicate responsibility for the health of the electorate"] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | Health: O'Sullivan minute for MT ("Buying Bureaucracy") [DHSS killing the idea of separating buying from provision] [declassified Jul 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Minor | Health: O'Sullivan minute for MT (enclosed reading) [declassified Jul 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | NHS: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("National Health Service Meeting of Ministers 24 May 1988") [Moore's proposals for separating the buying and provision of health services] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("Review of RAWP") [could be controversial and have implications for NHS Review] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | NHS: Paul Gray minute to Moore PS ("Review of RAWP") [announcing acceptance of recommendations now could be controversial] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("National Lotteries") [doubts about lawfulness of the scheme] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Major | NHS: Moore PS minute to Paul Gray ("NHS Review") [self-governing hospitals] [released July 2016] |
88 May 20 Fr | Minor | NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("NHS Review: Meeting on 24 May") [need to decide if the work is proceeding along right lines] [released July 2016] |
88 May 23 Mo | Major | Health: Lawson minute for MT ("NHS Review") [practical questions arising from separating purchaser/provider] [declassified Jul 2016] |
88 May 23 Mo | Major | Health: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 ("Review of National Health Service") [revised work programme] [declassified Jul 2016] |