1988 May 4 - 1988 May 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
National Health (Expenditure and efficiency in the National Health Service (NHS): NHS Review) (Part 12)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Jul 21 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 370 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/2338 - download whole file (PDF, 347.11 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 52
Date | Value | Title |
88 May 4 We | Major | NHS: Tony Newton minute to John Major ("Private Finance for NHS Capital Projects") [should allow greater freedom for NHS to use private sector finance] [released July 2016] |
88 May 4 We | Minor | NHS: Cabinet Office minute to Paul Gray ("Review of the NHS") [proposed timetable and work programme] [released July 2016] |
88 May 5 Th | Major | NHS: IBM letter to MT (IT systems) [competitive internal market within the NHS] [released July 2016] |
88 May 5 Th | Major | NHS: MT letter to Miriam Stoppard (NHS Review) [yet to reach firm decisions, contrary to press reports] [released July 2016] |
88 May 6 Fr | Major | NHS: John O'Sullivan minute to MT ("The Way Ahead on Health") [patient choice, funding, Treasury view] [released July 2016] |
88 May 6 Fr | Minor | NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("Nurse Retention and Recruitment") [report on overcoming problems] [released July 2016] |
88 May 6 Fr | Major | NHS: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("National Health Service Meeting of Ministers, 9 May 1988") [Lawson's proposal for a new structure for the NHS] [released July 2016] |
88 May 8 Su | Major | NHS: John O'Sullivan minute to MT ("NHS Lottery") [raising funds for the NHS] [released July 2016] |
88 May 8 Su | Major | NHS: John O'Sullivan minute to MT ("New World in Health") [radical potential of separating buying from provision of health care] [released July 2016] |
88 May 10 Tu | Major | NHS: John Moore minute to MT (Review of RAWP Formula) [some aspects of the report will be controversial] [released July 2016] |
88 May 11 We | Major | NHS: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Lawson-Moore-Major-Newton-Griffiths-Butler-Wilson-Monger-O'Sullivan) [5th meeting of the NHS review] [released July 2016] |
88 May 12 Th | Major | NHS: John Moore minute to MT ("Nurses' Education and Training: 'Project 2000'") [original proposals not feasible for manpower reasons] [released July 2016] |
88 May 12 Th | Major | NHS: John Moore minute to John Major (Project 2000) [have had to seek substantial changes to original proposals for manpower reasons] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Minor | NHS: John O'Sullivan minute to MT ("RAWP Review") [modest changes proposed] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Minor | NHS: Douglas Hurd minute to John Wakeham ("'National' Lotteries") [Borough of Kensington and Chelsea requesting advice] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Major | NHS: John O'Sullivan minute to MT ("Project 2000") [reform of nurses' education and training] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Major | NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("Nurses' Education and Training: Project 2000") [cost implications and links to NHS Review] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Major | NHS: Peter Walker minute to MT (Review of RAWP Formula) [publication of findings should not prejudice the wider NHS review] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Major | NHS: Economic Secretariat minute to Cabinet Office ("Review of RAWP Formula") [measurement of the need for healthcare] [released July 2016] |
88 May 13 Fr | Major | NHS: Hurd PS minute to Andy Bearpark ("'National' Lotteries") [doubts about lawfulness of the lottery] [released July 2016] |