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PDF 84 Dec 31 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Extradition of Irish Terrorists from the United States: Letter to the Prime Minister from the Reverend Ian Paisley MP") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 2 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to Armstrong ("Anglo-Irish Relations") [MT response to report on Armstrong/Nally group meeting; "[MT comments] that the Irish want more than we can give and always will"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 11 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [discussions with the Irish Government; Armstrong-Nally talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 14 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations") [response of Northern Ireland political leaders to Anglo-Irish summit] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 15 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office briefing for MT ("Meeting with John Hume MP : 17 January") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 15 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT ("Meeting on Northern Ireland: 16 January") [brief for meeting with Howe, Hurd, Armstrong; plans for next Anglo-Irish Summit] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 16 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Hurd-Armstrong & others) ["Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 16 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell note to MT (Meeting with John Hume: Hurd's suggested points to make) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 17 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [revised British proposal for Anglo-Irish talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 17 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-John Hume MP-Hurd) [Anglo-Irish talks; situation in Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin telegram 33 to FCO (1100Z) ("Anglo-Irish Relations") [Taoiseach "pleased" at reports of MT meeting with Hume] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [report on Armstrong meeting with Taoiseach] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 22 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Heseltine minute to MT ("Aftercare Of An Army Agent") [successful resettlement of agent from Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Jan 25 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [report on Armstrong-Nally talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 4 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO record of conversation (Howe-Irish Foreign Minister Barry-Hurd & others) [Anglo-Irish talks on Northern Ireland; Armstrong-Nally talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 4 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Armstrong-Nally talks: remit of proposed Intergovernmental Council] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT ("Northern Ireland: The Position of the Political Parties") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo/Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Armstrong-Nally talks: response to British proposal] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("PIRA Funds") [Anglo-Irish attempts to prevent transfer of funds to IRA] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT (Armstrong-Nally talks: British response to latest Irish proposal) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Hurd-Armstrong & others) ["Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland"; Armstrong-Nally talks; response to Irish to Irish proposal] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 15 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Irish Neutrality: Use of Treaty Ports During the Second World War") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Taoiseach Fitzgerald message to MT (freezing IRA funds) [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: FCO telegram to Airborne 003 Immediate (For the PM's Party) (1830Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit to Washington") [Irish contacts with pro-Irish members of US Congress] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong record of conversation (Armstrong-Nally & others) [Armstrong-Nally talks: status of Northern Ireland; devolution; economic and social matters in Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 27 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin telegram 92 to FCO (1045Z) ("Confiscated PIRA Funds") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 28 Th Declassified documents Minor Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: John Cushanan letter to MT ("The Northern Ireland Economy") [views of the Northern Ireland Alliance Party] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Feb 28 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: MT letter to Michael McAtamney (IRA mortar attack on Newry Police Station) ["yet another chilling reminder of the sacrifices made by the [RUC] in the fight against terrorism"] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 1 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT (proposal for Anglo-Irish Parliamentary Body) [Conservative backbench interest in scheme] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 1 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Armstrong-Nally talks; proposes new Cabinet Policy Committee on Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Butler ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Security Co-Operation with the Republic") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 4 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Whitelaw minute to MT (proposed Anglo-Irish Parliamentary Body) [House of Lords-Irish Senate link] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Howe minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Howe-Hurd views on Armstrong-Nally talks and possible Anglo-Irish agreement] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Talks: Joint Courts") [Northern Ireland Lord Chief Justice opposes Anglo-Irish joint courts] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 7 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [next steps and decision points in Armstrong-Nally talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin telegram 124 to FCO (1115Z) ("Anglo-Irish Talks") [Irish press reporting of Irish Foreign Minister Barry comments on talks] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Howe minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: An Anglo-Irish Parliamentary Body") [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT ("Protection of Police in RUC Buildings") [response to Newry mortar attack] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 8 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Howe-Hurd-Armstrong & others) ["Anglo-Irish Relations": Armstrong-Nally talks; intergovernmental consultation on Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 11 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hailsham minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Talks: Joint Courts") ["I see no future" in proposal for Anglo-Irish joint courts] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 13 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin telegram 135 to FCO (1012Z) ("Anglo-Irish Talks") [Irish press comment on Hurd remarks in Belfast] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Armstrong minute to Powell (Anglo-Irish talks: leaks to Irish newspapers) [suspects leaks come from Irish sources] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 14 Th Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Howe PS letter to Powell ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [Armstrong-Nally talks: scope of British Proposal] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 15 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin telegram 140 to FCO (1215Z) ("Anglo-Irish Relations") [Armstrong-Nally talks: Irish concerns about Hurd remarks; possible amendment to Irish Constitution] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 18 Mo Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Hurd minute to MT ("Northern Ireland: Political Development") [talks with John Hume and Ian Paisley; scope for Anglo-Irish agreement and reception in Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Howe minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations: Northern Ireland") [revised British proposal for Anglo-Irish talks on 22 March] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 19 Tu Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Powell minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Relations") [revised British proposal for Anglo-Irish talks on 22 March] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 22 Fr Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: MT copy of speech by Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald (speech to the Diplomatic and Commonwealth Writers Association) [MT annotates passages on Northern Ireland] [declassified Dec 2014]
PDF 85 Mar 27 We Declassified documents Major Archive (TNA) Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Exchange of Letters with Dr Paisley") [Anglo-Irish talks on Northern Ireland: Paisley expresses "alarm"] [declassified Dec 2014]
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Documents lie at the core of this website, each one dated and sorted chronologically (by default) in search results. Most are images in PDF format of original paper documents scanned or filmed for the site. There also transcripts of speeches and interviews, press articles, photos, videos, and more. The document database contains tens of thousands of items and permits complex searching.

Files are multi-page PDFs from which most of the documents on the site are selected. All of Mrs Thatcher’s official files from No.10 are available in full on this site (paper copies are stored at the National Archives in the series PREM19), as well as most of those of Geoffrey Howe and Nigel Lawson as Chancellor (stored at TNA as series T639 and T640).

Guides are articles about key events and topics. Many were written to accompany annual releases of Mrs Thatcher’s private and party papers at the Churchill Archive Centre in Cambridge.


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