1991 Jan 1 - 1991 Jan 9
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 36)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2018 Jul 24 |
Classification: | Top Secret - Cab One |
Page count: | 304 |
Any docs withheld? | 14 |
PREM19/3441 - download whole file (PDF, 370.88 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 21 - 40 of 91
Date | Value | Title |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: No.10 conversation record ("Prime Minister's Conversation with President Bush: the Gulf) [President's Bush proposal to send Baker to Europe and to offer to make him available there for a meeting with Tariq Aziz; "public opinion both in the United States and Europe clearly believed that one more offer would be worthwhile"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary briefing for PM ("OPD(G): 3 January") [Prime Minister's visit to Camp David; current international situation; British Embassy, Baghdad] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for Prime Minister ("The Gulf: Church Leaders") [arrangements for a meeting between the PM, the Archibishop of Canterbury and Cardinal Hume about the Gulf] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: MOD letter to Powell ("Timing of Military Action Against Iraq") [?] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: MOD letter to Powell ("Iraq/Kuwait: Security Breach") ["we can reassure the Americans that plans for operations against Iraq have not been compromised"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: Powell note for Prime Minister (Call with President Bush) ["the President would like to speak with you mid-morning"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 3 Th | Major | Gulf War: Powell note for the record ("Prime Minister's Call with President Bush: the Gulf") [President Bush confirmend his views about military timing in the Gulf; "one or two people thought that he might be 24 hours or so too precipitate"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKMIS New York telegram 13 to FCO (0820Z) ("Iraq/Kuwait: Gulf Crisis") ["Soviet permanent reprentative peddles the idea of a further Security Council Resolution to severe diplomatic relations and telecommunication links with Iraq"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for FCO ("The Gulf: Possible Debate in the House") ["preliminary work on a speech for the Prime Minister if there is an early debate in the House on the Gulf"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: FCO letter to Powell ("Rules Of Engagement") [the Foreign Secretary agrees with amendments to grant "limited extension in the authority of the Joint Commander to act in extremis against Iraqis missiles or attacks"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: FCO minute for Prime Minister ("Iraq/Kuwait: Sustaining National Unity") ["it is encrasingly important for colleagues to take opportunities..to explain Government policy to as many sections of the public as possible"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Luxembourg telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: EPC Ministerial Meeting, Luxembourg 4 January: Gulf Crisis") ["Reaffirmation of basic approach of twelve, based on prevoius statements and resolutions. Need for internal cohesion and solidarity with US and other allies underlined"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: MOD letter to Powell ("Prime Minister's Visit to the Gulf and Egypt") [allowances] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Powell minute for Prime Minister ("Gulf") [schedule of meeting arranged] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: MOD letter to Powell (Service Morale) ["effect on the morale of the services of undertaking Operation Granby at the same time as 'Options for Change' are underway"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: FCO minute for Prime Minister ("The Threat to British Civil Aviation in the Event of a Conflict in the Gulf") ["I hope that it will be soon possible to recruit a suitable team to take on the inspection of overseas airports"] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Luxembourg telegram to FCO ("Iraq/Kuwait: EPC Ministerial Meeting, Luxembourg 4 January: Gulf Crisis") [text of presidency statement approved by twelve foreign ministers and released] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Minor | Gulf War: Department for transport minute for Prime Minister ("The Gulf: War Risk Insurance for Airlines") [Major assents to proposal] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: UKE Washington telegram 21 to FCO (0014Z) ("Baker's consultation with coalition partners") [talks to set an itinerary] [declassified Jul 2018] |
91 Jan 4 Fr | Major | Gulf War: Treasury letter to MOD ("US Request for an Aircraft Carrier for the Red Sea") ["the proposed deployment is not of the highest priority and...we should not be bounced into conceding it now"] [declassified Jul 2018] |