
1987 Feb 10 - 1990 Jun 20
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Soviet Union (Situation of Jews in the Soviet Union: Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry; Prime Minister's meeting with Ida Nudel; Raoul Wallenberg) (Part 2)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 169
Any docs withheld? 5

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 41

Per page:
Date Value Title
87 Feb 16 Mo Major Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Orthodox Jewish Community") [Powell advises MT to cancel meeting arranged to discuss religious persecution in Russia during her visit to Moscow, due to busy schedule] [released Dec 2016]
87 Feb 22 Su Major Soviet Union: Elena Fridman letter to MT (human rights abuses in the Soviet Union: Ida Nudel) [background information for MT, in advance of MT's visit to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Feb 23 Mo Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 245 to FCO (1500Z) ("Awards for Soviet Jews") [UK embassy ceremony: "although the awards were symbols firstly of the concern of British people of Jewish faith... they reflected the wider sympathies of the British people"] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 4 We Major Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Mr. and Mrs. Sharansky") [advises cancellation of meeting, due to busy schedule & in light of forthcoming meeting with Sakharovs in Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 5 Th Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Susan Dykes (Parliamentary Wives visit to Moscow) [relays MT's support for the visit, to make representations on behalf of Jewish refuseniks, and request for a note of the visit] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 6 Fr Major Soviet Union: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with the Chief Rabbi") [Soviet Jewry; Conference of European Rabbis efforts to send delegation to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 11 We Major Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Jakobovits) [Soviet Jewry; Conference of European Rabbis efforts to send delegation to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 12 Th Major Soviet Union: Chief Rabbi Jakobovits letter to MT (MT, Jakobovits) [Soviet Jewry; Conference of European Rabbis efforts to send delegation to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 13 Fr Major Soviet Union: MT letter to Elena Fridman (human rights abuses of Jews in the Soviet Union: Ida Nudel) [film about Ida Nudel, show in Tel Aviv; All-Party Parliamentary Committee awards ceremony in Moscow; MT visit to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 13 Fr Major Soviet Union: Howe PS letter to No.10 (human rights abuses of Jews in the Soviet Union: Ida Nudel) [MT rules out attending reception hosted by wife of Hugh Dykes MP, over his stance on "Libyan operation"] [released Dec 2016]
87 Mar 23 Mo Major Soviet Union: National Council for Soviet Jewry letter to No.10 ("Prisoners of Zion") [recent releases; right to emigrate; distribution of Jewish population in the USSR] [released Dec 2016]
87 Apr 1 We Major Soviet Union: Mark Addison minute to Charles Powell ("Mrs. Eker: Womens Campaign for Soviet Jewry") [request for meeting with MT] [released Dec 2016]
87 Apr 9 Th Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Susan Dykes (Soviet women refuseniks) [report on MT/Howe visit to Moscow; recent releases of prisoners of conscience; Jewish emigration] [released Dec 2016]
87 Apr 16 Th Major Soviet Union: Prime Minister Shamir letter to MT (Soviet Jewry and the cause of the refuseniks) [thanks to MT for her representations made on her recent visit to Moscow] [released Dec 2016]
87 Apr 28 Tu Major Soviet Union: UKE Tel Aviv telegram 129 to FCO (0630Z) ("Soviet Jewry: Ida Nudel") [meeting to mark Ida Nudel's birthday; message from MT] [released Dec 2016]
87 Jul 3 Fr Major Soviet Union: No.10 briefing for MT ("World Conference on Soviet Jewry") [MT meeting with delegation: prospects for Jewish emigration and treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union] [released Dec 2016]
87 Jul 6 Mo Major Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, delegation from World Conference on Soviet Jewry) [MT's recent visit to USSR; prospects for Jewish emigration and treatment of Jews in the Soviet Union] [released Dec 2016]
87 Oct 22 Th Major Soviet Union: Federation of Women Zionists of Great Britain and Ireland letter to MT (human rights abuses of Jews in the Soviet Union: Ida Nudel) [thanks to MT for her help & support, on release of Ida Nudel] [released Dec 2016]
87 Dec 2 We Major Soviet Union: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Mr Gorbachev's Stopover: Release of Prominent Refusenik") [call on Soviet Department by Dr. Brailovsky, to thank MT for her support in securing his release] [released Dec 2016]
87 Dec 17 Th Major Soviet Union: No.10 letter to the Raoul Wallenberg Committee (Prime Minister's visit to the Soviet Union: the Raoul Wallenberg case) [UK position on making representations about the case] [released Dec 2016]