1986 Jun 17 - 1990 May 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Soviet Union (Human rights and the position of dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy towards the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)) (Part 2)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 277 |
Any docs withheld? | 7 |
PREM19/3174 - download whole file (PDF, 256.08 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 47
Date | Value | Title |
86 Oct 23 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute MT (Yuri Orlov, human rights activist, visit to UK) [endorses Lord Bethell's advice that MT meet Orlov] [released Jul 2017] |
86 Nov 4 Tu | Major | Soviet Union: UKE Vienna record of conversation (2030Z, telegram 169) (Howe, Shevardnadze) ["Human Rights": individual cases; Syria; Libya; Falklands fishing dispute; MT visit to Moscow] [released Jul 2017] |
86 Nov 27 Th | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with Mr. Orlov") [human rights abuses in the Soviet Union, and their link to disarmament] [released Jul 2017] |
86 Nov 28 Fr | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Orlov, Lord Bethell) ["Prime Minister's Meeting with Mr. Orlov": human rights conference in Moscow; conditions for scientists in the USSR] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Jan 15 Th | Major | Soviet Union: MT letter to Orlov (campaign for a universal amnesty for Soviet prisoners) [MT makes case against holding out for a universal amnesty at the Vienna human rights conference] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 11 We | Major | Soviet Union: Nina Lagergren letter to MT (Raoul Wallenberg) [request from Wallenberg's sister that MT try to ascertain his fate or whereabouts when she meets with Gorbachev] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 12 Th | Major | Soviet Union: President of the European Parliament letter to MT (human rights abuses in the Soviet Union) [text of written declaration on 'Russia's failure to adhere to the principles of the Helsinki Agreement'] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 23 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 briefing for MT (meeting with Yuri Orlov) [reminded of previous meeting & correspondence, in Nov/Dec 1986, on human rights abuses] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Mar 24 Tu | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Yuri Orlov) [human rights abuses; arms control; release of dissidents; Gorbachev's prospects] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Apr 10 Fr | Major | Soviet Union: MT letter to Alexander Slepak (denial of exist visas to Soviet citizens) [details of recent intercessions by MT & Howe] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Oct 1 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("CSCE") [MT steadfastly opposed to Howe's case for backing French proposal at Vienna Conference for a follow-up human contacts conference in Moscow] [released Jul 2017] |
87 Oct 7 We | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Misha Taratuta) [human rights: meeting with refusenik to discuss proposal to hold conference in Moscow] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Jan 3 Su | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Moscow Human Rights Conference") [analysis of White House press statement on proposed conference, and advice on UK response] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Mar 11 Fr | Major | Soviet Union: Howe PS letter to No.10 (Paper by Yuri Orlov on Gorbachev's reforms) [advice on UK Government response] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Mar 24 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("CSCE: London Information Forum") [advice on response to Howe proposal that UK host CSCE forum in spring 1989, and that MT delivers opening speech] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Apr 21 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Mrs Sosna") [MT impressed by Ambassador Zamyation's intercession to hasten arrangement of visa] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Jun 13 Mo | Major | Soviet Union: No.10 letter to Professor Baum (Soviet exit visas for Nadgornyi family) [update on case, following MT letter of support] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Sep 8 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("CSCE: Information Forum") [human rights: MT agrees to deliver opening speech, despite ongoing uncertainty over related Moscow conference proposal; key UK objectives] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Oct 13 Th | Major | Soviet Union: Charles Powell minute to MT ("CSCE: Moscow Conference") ["I think we could make greater efforts than are suggested in the FCO letter to bind other Western governments to a tough set of pre-conditions"; MT agrees] [released Jul 2017] |
88 Oct 20 Th | Major | Soviet Union: MT message to President Reagan (Soviet proposal for CSCE human rights meeting in Moscow) ["we should aim to agree clear, specific criteria... if the West was to consider attending... If the two of us can do this, we should be able to persuade our other Allies"] [released Jul 2017] |