
1989 Nov 1 - 1990 Mar 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

National Health (Expenditure and efficiency in the National Health Service (NHS): implementation of NHS reforms) (Part 23)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 210
Any docs withheld? 3

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 37 of 37

Per page:
Date Value Title
90 Mar 10 Sa Major NHS: David Willets note to MT (Royal Colleges proposal) ["It is insane to make major changes"] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 10 Sa Major NHS: Andrew Turnbull minute to MT ("Health Service Reforms") [medical profession wants government to implement reforms on a progressive basis] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 14 We Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("GPs' Contract: Targets for Immunisation and Cervical Cytology") [removal of "conscientious objectors" from target lists] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 15 Th Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to Clarke PS ("New GP Contract: Letter from Dr. Clive Froggatt") [GPs' fears that government had decided immunistation, tests must be undertaken] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 15 Th Major NHS: Clarke PS minute to Paul Gray ("New GP Contract: Letter from Dr Clive Froggatt) [was never intended that the higher targets should be achieved by all GPs] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 19 Mo Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("Targets in the new GP Contract") [targets for cervical cancer and childhood immunisations] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 19 Mo Major NHS: Clarke PS minute to Paul Gray ("GP Contract Cervical Cytology Targets") [writing to MPs to explain targets] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 19 Mo Minor NHS: Geoffrey Howe minute to Roger Freeman ("Ten Minute Bill for Wednesday 21 March") [bill should be blocked at second reading] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 19 Mo Major NHS: Ken Clarke letter to Harriet Harman ("NHS and Community Care Bill") [prescribing budgets and GP practice funds, NHS trusts] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 19 Mo Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("Targets in the new GP Contract") [targets for cervical cancer and childhood immunisations] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 20 Tu Major NHS: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Clarke-Rifkind-Whitehead) ["New GP contract: cervical cytology and immunisation targets" - MT concerns] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 22 Th Major NHS: Ken Clarke minute to MT ("GP Contract Targets") [targets need to be regarded as fair and realistic by GPs] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 23 Fr Major NHS: Ian Whitehead minute to MT ("Targets in the new GP Contract") [concerned we are storing up problems for ourselves] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 23 Fr Major NHS: Malcolm Rifkind minute to MT ("GPs Contract: Targets") [does not find Clarke's "dear colleagues" letter convincing, would cause further challenges] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 23 Fr Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("GPs' Contract: Targets") [Clarke intends to review targets after first quarter, Rifkind urges adoption of "signing out"] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 28 We Minor NHS: Paul Gray minute to MT ("GPs' Contract: Targets") [Clarke keen to send colleagues letter] [released July 2017]
90 Mar 28 We Major NHS: Paul Gray minute to Clarke PS ("GPs' Contract: Targets") [review operation of targets when figures for Q1 payments available] [released July 2017]