1989 Jun 9 - 1990 Feb 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Local Government (Relations between central and local government: local authority expenditure) (Part 37)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2017 Jul 20 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 346 |
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Showing items 21 - 31 of 31
Date | Value | Title |
89 Sep 20 We | Major | Local Government: Lamont letter to Patten ("Local Authority capital: local councils with no outstanding debt") [legislative proposals "for the treatment of local authority capital receipts under the new capital finance regime"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Oct 17 Tu | Major | Local Government: Patten letter to Lamont ("Local Authority cash incentive schemes") ["to encourage council tenants to move into homes of their own, thus releasing urgently-needed vacancies for reletting"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Oct 30 Mo | Major | Local Government: Patten minute to MT ("Local Government and Housing Bill: Lords defeats") ["on rural shared ownership and the right to buy... proposed response"; sheltered housing for the elderly] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Oct 31 Tu | Major | Local Government: Patten PS letter to No.10 ("Local Government Finance") [draft Statement to Parliament; Standard Spending Assessment exemplifications for local authorities; community charge capping] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Nov 3 Fr | Major | Local Government: Patten letter to Howe ("New burdens on local government") ["latest list of central government initiatives"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Dec 1 Fr | Major | Local Government: No.10 minute to MT ("Local Authority Swaps: Hammersmith and Fulham") [MT rejects Governor of the Bank of England's offer to mediate between local authorities and banks: "a matter to be settled by the courts"] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Dec 18 Mo | Major | Local Government: Walker PS letter to Howe PS ("Statement on local government finance in Wales") [grant settlement; community charge transitional relief] [declassified July 2017] |
89 Dec 20 We | Major | Local Government: Lamont letter to Patten ("Local Government Finance") ["Any attempt to tinker further with the [grant] settlement at this stage would...seriously damage the credibility of the whole community charge policy"] [declassified July 2017] |
90 Feb 8 Th | Major | Local Government: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to Patten ("PWLB Quotas for 1990-91") [need to restrain local authority calls on Public Works Loan Board; MT: "perhaps we might consider why we have a PWLB at all"; relation to community charge levels] [declassified July 2017] |
90 Feb 12 Mo | Major | Local Government: Patten letter to MacGregor ("1991/92 Local Authority Grant Settlement") [discussions on expenditure with local authority associations] [declassified July 2017] |
90 Feb 14 We | Major | Local Government: Lamont letter to Patten ("Local Authority Current: arrangements for handling the 1990 Survey") [MT concurs with proposals for no significant changes to existing system] [declassified July 2017] |