1989 Feb 1 - 1990 Jul 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Foreign Policy (East/West relations) (Part 11)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 315 |
Any docs withheld? | 4 |
PREM19/2993 - download whole file (PDF, 25.54 MB)
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Showing items 21 - 40 of 47
Date | Value | Title |
90 Apr 9 Mo | Major | Foreign Policy: FCO record of phone conversation (Hurd, James Baker) [details of Baker's meeting with Shevardnadze relayed to Hurd on eve of his own visit to Moscow] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 15 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Moscow telegram 879 to FCO (1258Z) ("President Gorbachev's Visit to the United States") [schedule; MT visit to Moscow] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 20 Su | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Moscow telegram 934 to FCO (0721Z) ("Soviet Union/United States = Baker's Visit to Moscow 15-19 May") [report] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 21 Mo | Major | Foreign Policy: UKDEL NATO telegram 231 to FCO (1122Z) ("NAC, 21 May: Baker's Visit to Moscow") [report] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 23 We | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1207 to FCO (2227Z) ("Bush/Gorbachev Summit: Baker Scene-Setting Conference") [report] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 25 Fr | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1244 to FCO (2255Z) ("Prospects for US/Soviet Summit") [analysis] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 28 Mo | Major | Foreign Policy: FCO record of conversation (1005Z, 29 May) (Hurd, Genscher) [briefing on Genscher's talks with Shevardnadze: German reunification] [released Dec 2016] |
90 May 31 Th | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1282 to FCO (2359Z) ("US/Soviet Summit: Day One") [report] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 2 Sa | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1282 to FCO (2359Z) ("US/Soviet Summit: Day Two") [report: signing ceremony for bilateral agreements; concerns about Gorbachev's views on Germany] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 3 Su | Major | Foreign Policy: No.10 record of conversation ("US/Soviet Summit") [Charles Powell, General Scowcroft: arms control; Germany; Lithuania; MT interview] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 3 Su | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1301 to FCO (1809Z) ("US/Soviet Summit") [Bush/Gorbachev press conference; Ambassador Acland's analysis of outcomes] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 4 Mo | Major | Foreign Policy: No.10 letter to Hurd PS ("US/Soviet Summit") [cover letter only, referring to enclosed message from President Bush to MT] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 5 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1325 to FCO (0018Z) ("US/Soviet Summit: Trade and Other Economic Agreements") [details of trade agreement, against background of US concerns about Lithuania] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 5 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Bonn telegram 699 to FCO (1102Z) ("US/Soviet Summit: FRG Reaction") ["Upbeat reaction from Kohl and Genscher. Press comment on chances of Gorbachev conceding German membership of NATO"] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 5 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: British Consulate General San Francisco telegram 7 to UKE Washington (1900Z) ("Gorbachev's Visit to San Francisco 3-4 June 1990") [report of meetings with Reagan, Shultz, businessmen & President of South Korea] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 5 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 1321 to FCO (0014Z) ("US/Soviet Summit: State Department Debrief") [report on US administration's impressions of outcomes] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 11 Mo | Major | Foreign Policy: FCO telegram to UKE Bonn (1300Z) ("Genscher's Talks with Shevardnadze in Brest, Byelorussia, 11 June") [NATO/Warsaw Pact; guarantees of credits; Poland; German reunification] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 12 Tu | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Bonn telegram 726 to FCO (1913Z) ("Genscher's Talks with Shevardnadze 11 June") [NATO/Warsaw Pact; German reunification; Western credits for USSR] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 13 We | Major | Foreign Policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Hurd) ["East/West Relations": Soviet Union proposals for joint NATO/Warsaw Pact Declaration; Western financial assistance to USSR] [released Dec 2016] |
90 Jun 13 We | Major | Foreign Policy: UKE Moscow telegram 1094 to FCO (0600Z) ("Soviet Union External = Gorbachev's Report on the Summit") [US/Soviet relations; arms control; Germany; Q&A] [released Dec 2016] |