
1989 Dec 21 - 1990 Aug 20
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Houston, July 1990) (Part 30)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Secret
Page count: 414
Any docs withheld? 6

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 57 of 57

Per page:
Date Value Title
90 Jul 9 Mo Minor G7: Treasury record of conversation (Major-Delors) [monetary policy, ERM, agriculture, Soviet Union] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 9 Mo Major G7: Nigel Wicks record of conversation (MT-Bush-Delors-Kohl-Mitterrand-Kaifu-Andreotti-Mulroney) [plenary sessions of summit, 9-11 July] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 10 Tu Major G7: G7 draft statements (Houston Economic Summit) [Transnational Issues; Political Declaration; USSR] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 10 Tu Minor G7: MT letter to Lord Tombs (Rolls-Royce) [no opportunity to raise your specific point with Kaifu, but will continue to watch aerospace market "very closely"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 11 We Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("Houston Summit: Economic Declaration") [draft as at 4am - outstanding issues on world economy, Uruguay Round, Soviet Union, developing countries, environment] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 11 We Minor G7: Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney note to MT (Houston Summit) ["The UK suggested language is most helpful"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 11 We Major G7: G7 statement (Houston Summit final communiqué) ["We are mindful that freedom and economic prosperity are closely linked and mutually reinforcing"]
90 Jul 12 Th Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Cabinet: Economic Summit") ["the G7 are providing leadership on sound finance, market economy, freer trade"; negative impact of French and German tactics on President Bush] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 12 Th Minor G7: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Houston Summit: French Press Reaction") ["Muted satisfaction at compromise results achieved thanks to concessions by all parties"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 12 Th Minor G7: UKHC Canada telegram to FCO ("Houston Economic Summit: Canadian Media Reactions") ["concentrated on the differences over the difficult issues"; mixed reactions to compromises, Mulroney credited with constructive but not outstanding role] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 13 Fr Minor G7: UKE Rome telegram to FCO ("The Houston Summit: Italian Press Reaction") ["full, but low key and factual"; third world debt, agriculture, USSR] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 13 Fr Minor G7: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Houston Summit: FRG Press Reaction") ["emphasis on the need to convert the Houston conclusions into concrete policies"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 20 Fr Major G7: President Bush message to President Gorbachev (Houston Summit) [economic relations between the West and the USSR; aid] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 27 Fr Minor G7: MT message to Egyptian President Mubarak (Houston Summit) ["the policies pursued by African countries themselves hold the key to their recovery"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 28 Sa Major G7: Australian Prime Minister Hawke letter to MT (Houston Summit) [importance of "the contribution the Houston Summit can make in bringing the Uruguay Round to a successful conclusion"] [released July 2017]
90 Jul 29 Su Major G7: MT message to Prime Minister Hawke (Houston Summit) ["the economic communique recognises the pivotal role of agriculture in the Uruguay Round"] [released July 2017]
90 Aug 20 Mo Minor G7: MT message to UN Secretary-General (Houston Summit) [policy towards developing countries] [released July 2017]