
1989 Dec 21 - 1990 Aug 20
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic Policy (G7 Summit - Houston, July 1990) (Part 30)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Secret
Page count: 414
Any docs withheld? 6

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 57

Per page:
Date Value Title
89 Dec 21 Th Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("1990 Economic Summit: Objectives") [priority issues: East/West relations, China, trade, world economy, environment, drugs; MT wanting to be "more direct" with Germany and Japan about "structural rigidities"] [released July 2017]
89 Dec 22 Fr Major G7: Charles Powell letter to Nigel Wicks ("1990 Economic Summit: Objectives") [German and Japanese economies, socialist economies] [released July 2017]
90 Jan 10 We Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("1990 Summit") [Sherpa meeting - "the US does not seem to have a ground (sic) strategy for the Summit"] [released July 2017]
90 May 22 Tu Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("Sherpa Meeting, Paris, 19-20 May 1990") [most difficult issues - Summit's message, USSR, Uruguay Round, environment] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 13 We Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Houston Summit") [update from Wicks - decisions needed on declaration, Soviet Union, study of international monetary system] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 14 Th Major G7: Charles Powell letter to Nigel Wicks ("Houston Summit") ["The message which MT would like the Summit to put out on the Soviet Union is one of encouragement"] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 18 Mo Major G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Economic Summit: Speaking Note") [suggested draft] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 18 Mo Major G7: UKE Paris telegram to FCO ("Prospects for Houston Summit") [Uruguay Round, Soviet Union, environment"] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 18 Mo Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to Charles Powell ("Houston Summit: Possible Attendance of President Gorbachev") [Bush thinking of inviting him on final day of summit; Powell: "Gesture politics"] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 18 Mo Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("Houston Economic Summit") [Sherpa's meeting concluded only three issues likely to cause problems: the USSR, the Uruguay Round, the environment] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 18 Mo Minor G7: UKE Washington telegram 2 to FCO (0025Z) ("Preparatory Meeting for Houston Summit, 15-17 June") [Sherpas met - "main issues were helping Soviet Union, trade/agriculture and environment"] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 19 Tu Major G7: Charles Powell minute to Nigel Wicks ("Economic Summit") [draft opening statement for MT] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 20 We Minor G7: Chris Patten minute to MT ("Climate Change: The Run Up to the Houston Summit") ["The USA is proceeding very slowly"] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 22 Fr Minor G7: Chancellor Kohl message to MT (Houston Summit) [initiative on the environment] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 22 Fr Major G7: Nigel Wicks minute to MT ("Houston Economic Summit") [final meeting of Sherpas - helping the USSR, agriculture and the Uruguay Round, the environment, date/place of 1991 summit] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 25 Mo Minor G7: Major minute for MT ("Climate Change: The Run-Up to the Houston Summit") [general agreement with Patten's draft, but not on calling for targets and strategies in time for November World Climate Conference] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 26 Tu Minor G7: No.10 letter to FCO ("Houston Economic Summit") [seeks draft reply to message from President Bush] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 27 We Major G7: Nigel Wicks letter to Charles Powell ("Houston Economic Summit: Prime Minister's Opening Statement") [comments on draft] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 27 We Major G7: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO ("Prospects for Houston Economic Summit") ["Japan's two major concerns are G7 policy towards the Soviet Union and China"; no points of friction with UK] [released July 2017]
90 Jun 27 We Minor G7: Chancellor Kohl message to MT (Houston Summit) ["opportunity to reassess the pressing problems of global environmental change"] [released July 2017]