
1989 Jan 2 - 1989 Dec 13
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falklands) (Part 43)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Top Secret - Cab One
Page count: 269
Any docs withheld? 13

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 54

Per page:
Date Value Title
89 Jan 13 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("Contacts with Argentina") [MT: it would be wrong to embark on the slippery slope by agreeing to limited talks before the Argentines have fulfilled our conditions] [declassified 2017]
89 Jan 16 Mo Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell (Occidental Petroleum contract with the Argentine National Oil Company for exploration between Patagonia and the Falklands) [declassified 2017]
89 Feb 3 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("Occidental Oil and Patagonia") [declassified 2017]
89 May 15 Mo Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Argentine Presidential Elections of 14 May") [Menem wins by a landslide] [declassified 2017]
89 May 17 We Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Argentine Presidential Elections: an Afterview") [declassified 2017]
89 Jun 13 Tu Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Argentina: Internal Situation") [Alfonsin to resign, Menem to assume power] [declassified 2017]
89 Jun 16 Fr Major Falklands: Howe minute for Younger ("Argentina: Possible Threat to UK Interests") [declassified 2017]
89 Jun 20 Tu Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("Argentina") [a message for the Argentine President-Elect regarding the Falkland Islands] [declassified 2017]
89 Jun 29 Th Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("New President of Argentina") [a draft message from MT for the President-Elect] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 3 Mo Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Argentina: Prospects under Menem") [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 4 Tu Major Falklands: Younger minute for Howe ("Argentina: Possible Threat to UK Interests") [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 4 Tu Major Falklands: MT message for President Menem (congratulations on his inauguration as President of Argentina) [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 7 Fr Major Falklands: MOD minute to FCO ("Argentina: Possible Threat to UK Interests") [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 10 Mo Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("UK/Argentina") [Menem suggests negotiations under sovereignty umbrella] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 11 Tu Major Falklands: Walters minute for Powell ("A Message from Menem") [very anxious to resume normal relations] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 12 We Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Press Summary for 12 July") [economy; internal situation; military; UK/Argentina/Falklands] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 12 We Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("Press Summary for 8-11 July") [Menem's inauguration speech; economic plan] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 14 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("Argentina: Messages") [Menem's replies to messages of congratulations published in the Argentine press] [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 14 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Buenos Aires telegram to FCO ("UK/Argentina: Press Coverage") [declassified 2017]
89 Jul 15 Sa Major Falklands: FCO minute for Powell ("Falkland Islands: Relations with Argentina") [declassified 2017]