
1987 Jan 5 - 1987 Mar 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Soviet Union (Prime Minister's visit to Soviet Union, March-April 1987) (Part 1)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2017 Jul 20
Classification: Top Secret
Page count: 603
Any docs withheld? 4

Selections from this file

Showing items 61 - 70 of 70

Per page:
Date Value Title
87 Mar 27 Fr Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 485 to FCO (1000Z) ("Prime Minister's Visit: Briefing Meeting") [proposed agenda for meeting in UK embassy on MT's arrival] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 29 Su Key Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Gorbachevs, Geoffrey Howe, Kovalev, Zamyatin, Cartledge) ["Prime Minister's Visit to Moscow: Supper Party with Mr and Mrs Gorbachev at the Bolshoi"] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 29 Su Major Soviet Union: FCO minute to UKE Moscow ("Arrangements for the Opening of the British Soviet Chamber Office at 1200 hours on Tuesday 31 March 1987") [MT visit to Moscow] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 30 Mo Major Soviet Union: UKE Moscow telegram 512 to FCO (2055Z) ("Secretary of State's Talks with Shevardnadze, 30 March: Iran /Iraq") [record of conversation: Middle East issues] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 30 Mo Major Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT [joining late], Howe, Soviet intellectuals, Ambassador Cartledge) ["Lunch with Soviet intellectuals: Monday 30 March"] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 30 Mo Key Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Gorbachev) [decisions as to what to say to the press] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 30 Mo Key Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Gorbachev) [tête-à-tête] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 31 Tu Key Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Gorbachevs, Ryzhkovs, Cartledge, Zamyatin, Charles Powell) ["Prime Minister's Visit to the Soviet Union: Supper with Mr and Mrs Gorbachev on 31 March"] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 31 Tu Major Soviet Union: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Geoffrey Howe, Cartledge, Ryzhkov, Tolstykh, Kamentsev, Aristov, Kovalev, Zamyatin, Goussarov) [MT visit to Moscow: meeting with Chairman of the Council of Ministers] [released Jul 2017]
87 Mar 31 Tu Major Press Conference in Moscow