
1988 Apr 6 - 1988 May 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Education (General policy on education and education expenditure; Education Reform Bill; opting out of Local Education Authority (LEA) control in Scotland; position of National Union of Students (NUS); Christian education; admission to maintained schools;polytechnics; national curriculum issues; Higginson Report on future of 'A' levels) (Part 18)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Secret
Page count: 262
Any docs withheld? 1

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 31

Per page:
Date Value Title
88 Apr 8 Fr Major Education: Baker minute to MT ("Admission of pupils to Maintained Schools") [open enrolment - implementation target date] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 8 Fr Major Education: Michael Alison MP letter to MT ("Christian religious education in schools") [meeting with MT to discuss amendments to Education Reform Bill] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 12 Tu Major Education: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Kenneth Baker, Brian Griffiths, Baroness Cox, Michael Alison MP, James Pawsey MP, Anthony Coombs MP) ["Christian religious education in schools"] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 13 We Major Education: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting of E(EP): 14 April") [English in the National Curriculum; Design & Technology; Working Group on Welsh] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 13 We Major Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("English in the National Curriculum") [Kingman report "satisfies no-one"] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 13 We Minor Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("The National Curriculum: Design & Technology") ["Do we wish to set up yet another subject working party at this stage?"] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 13 We Key Education: Baroness Cox MP & colleagues letter to MT (Christian content of religious education) [proposed amendents to Education Reform Bill] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 15 Fr Major Education: Baker minute to MT ("National Union of Students") [review of local student union affiliations to NUS] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 19 Tu Major Education: No.10 briefing for MT ("Opting out in Scotland") [local education authority control of schools] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 19 Tu Major Education: Baker letter to Ridley ("Education Reform Bill: Advanced Further Education pooling") [shared costs] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 20 We Major Education: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Rifkind) ["Opting out in Scotland"] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 21 Th Major Education: Walker PS letter to No.10 ("National Curriculum Welsh subject Working Group") [appointment of Chair] [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 26 Tu Major Education: Baker minute to MT ("1. National Curriculum: Working Groups for English and for Design and Technology 2. Publication of the Report of the Kingman committee on English") [declassified 2016]
88 Apr 28 Th Major Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Scottish schools: meeting with Strathclyde parents") [Griffiths report and observations on issue of schools 'opting out' of local education authority control] [declassified 2016]
88 May 3 Tu Minor Education: Walker letter to Baker ("Education Reform Bill - Advanced Further Education pooling") [declassified 2016]
88 May 4 We Major Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Polytechnics") ["need to separate from local authorities"] [declassified 2016]
88 May 6 Fr Major Education: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting of E(EP): 12 May") [Inner London Education Authority] [declassified 2016]
88 May 9 Mo Major Education: Baker minute to MT ("Admission of pupils to Maintained schools") [reasons for delay in implemetation of Education Bill provisions on open enrolment] [declassified 2016]
88 May 13 Fr Major Education: No.10 minute to MT ("Education - Maintained schools and polytechnics") [MT concerns about aspect of Education Reform Bill] [declassified 2016]
88 May 13 Fr Major Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Admission of pupils to Maintained schools") [frustration with DES timescale for implementation of Education Bill open enrolment provisions] [declassified 2016]