1988 Jan 7 - 1988 Mar 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Education (General policy on education and education expenditure: Education Reform Bill; education in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland; financial delegation; grant maintained schools; national curriculum; future of Paisley Grammar School; charges forschool activities; opting out of Local Education Authority (LEA) control; religious education) (Part 17)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Jul 21 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 405 |
Any docs withheld? | 1 |
PREM19/2124 - download whole file (PDF, 294.7 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 45
Date | Value | Title |
88 Jan 7 Th | Minor | Education: Major letter to Baker ("Education Reform Bill: additional items") [specific grant for travellers' children and refugees] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 11 Mo | Major | Education: Baker minute to MT ("National Curriculum: Report of the Task Group on Assessment and Testing") ["I believe that its recommendations will greatly strengthen our hand"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 12 Tu | Major | Education: No.10 letter to Baker PS (Task Group on Assessment and Testing) [publication of report] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 12 Tu | Major | Education: Rifkind minute to MT ("Educational Reform in Scotland: school management") ["fundamental objective... immediate replacement of school councils... with bodies at individual school level in which parents are fully involved"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 14 Th | Major | Education: Baker letter to Hurd (Education Reform Bill) [endowments] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 14 Th | Major | Education: Baker letter to Major ("GM schools: enforcing the recoupment charge") [Education Reform Bill: recovery of grants to grant-maintained schools from local education authorities] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 14 Th | Major | Education: Baker minute to MT ("Financial delegation to schools") ['Local Management of School' indepent report] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 14 Th | Minor | Education: Ridley letter to Baker ("Education Reform Bill: additional items") ["specific grant for the education of travellers' children and refugees"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 15 Fr | Major | Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("National Curriculum: Task Group on Assessment and Testing (TGAT) Report") ["the Report's sympathies and conclusions are... disturbing..."] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 19 Tu | Major | Education: Baker minute to MT ("Academic tenure: Commissioners") [appointments to oversee removal of academic tenure in universities under terms of Education Reform Bill] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 21 Th | Major | Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Paisley Grammar School") ["The fight to save [it] from closure would easily mark the turning point of Thatcherism in Scotland"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 22 Fr | Major | Education: MT minute to Rifkind (future of Paisley Grammar School) ["If we act [to prevent closure] it could prove the turning point for the Party's fortunes in Scotland"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 22 Fr | Major | Education: Major letter to Baker ("Grant maintained schools: compensation for dismissals") [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 25 Mo | Major | Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Education Reform Bill: Higher Education provision") ["has come under heavy attack from the universities"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 25 Mo | Major | Education: Baker PS letter to No.10 ("The National Curriculum") [Education Reform Bill; attainment targets] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 27 We | Major | Education: MT letter to Rector of Paisley Grammar School (future of Paisley Grammar) [MT supports opposition to closure] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 28 Th | Major | Education: Centre for Policy Studies letter to No.10 (CPS pamphlet on 'opting out' of local education authority control) [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 28 Th | Major | Education: Rifkind PS letter to No.10 (school closures in Scotland) [Rifkind statement to Parliament] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 29 Fr | Major | Education: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Paisley Grammar School") ["The government's decision to back parental choice ['opting-out'] in Scotland is creating an enormous stir"] [declassified 2016] |
88 Jan 29 Fr | Major | Education: Cabinet Office briefing for MT ("Charging for school activities") [proposals for Education Reform Bill in response to recent legal challenges] [declassified 2016] |