
1988 Jun 2 - 1988 Dec 23
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Arts and Amenities (Prime Minister's meeting with Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza to discuss possible siting in UK of the Thyssen Collection) (Part 2)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 66
Any docs withheld? 1

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 15 of 15

Date Value Title
88 Jun 3 Fr Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection") [UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jun 6 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: MT letter to Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza (the Thyssen Collection) [UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jun 13 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Thyssen Collection: the Times story") [UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jun 25 Sa Major Arts and Amenities: Sir Roy Strong letter to MT (the Thyssen Collection) [support for UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jun 27 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: National Art-Collections Fund letter to No.10 ("Thyssen Collection") [support for UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 6 We Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Thyssen Collection") [UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 7 Th Major Arts and Amenities: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lawson, Ridley, Butler) ["Thyssen Collection": UK acquisition bid] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 8 Fr Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office record of conversation ("Thyssen Collection") [Robin Butler, Paul Coleridge: UK bid to acquire Collection: latest position] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 15 Fr Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("The Thyssen Collection") [UK bid to acquire Collection] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 15 Fr Major Arts and Amenities: Paul Coleridge letter to Cabinet Office (the Thyssen Collection) [UK bid to acquire Collection] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 18 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: Luce letter to Ridley ("The Thyssen Collection and Canary Wharf") [UK bid to acquire Collection & proposed new site and funding for the National Portrait Gallery] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 18 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office record of conversation (the Thyssen Collection) [Butler, Professor Owen Chadwick: UK bid to acquire Collection; proposed extension/change of site for National Portrait Gallery; lunch meeting with MT] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 19 Tu Major Arts and Amenities: No.10 letter to Cabinet Office ("Thyssen Collection") [UK bid to acquire Collection: Parliamentary Q&A] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 21 Th Major Arts and Amenities: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Thyssen Collection") [UK bid to acquire Collection: Parliamentary Q&A] [declassified July 2016]
88 Jul 25 Mo Major Arts and Amenities: Major letter to Luce ("The Thyssen Collection and Canary Wharf") [UK bid to acquire Collection & proposed new site and funding for the National Portrait Gallery] [declassified July 2016]