1986 Jun 26 - 1987 Jul 28
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Argentina (Falklands) (Part 41)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Jul 21 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 305 |
Any docs withheld? | 1 |
PREM19/2016 - download whole file (PDF, 222.99 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 70
Date | Value | Title |
86 Jun 26 Th | Major | Falklands: Lord Shackleton and Lord Buxton letter to MT (Falklands fisheries: Argentine/Soviet agreement) [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 3 Th | Minor | Falklands: Julian Amery letter to MT (sinking of the Taiwanese vessel by the Argentine navy) [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 7 Mo | Major | Falklands: Howe minute to Shultz (Relations with Argentina) [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 7 Mo | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("Falkland Islands Fisheries") [draft reply to the Lords Buxton and Shackleton] [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 8 Tu | Major | Falklands: MOD minute to No.10 ("Lieutenant Sethia - Diary") [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 9 We | Major | Falklands: MT letter to Lord Buxton (Falklands fisheries: Argentine/Soviet agreement) [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 16 We | Major | Falklands: Attorney General's Legal Secretary minute to MOD ("Lieutenant Sethia - Diary") [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 18 Fr | Major | Falklands: UKE Washington record of conversation (2346Z) (Howe, Shultz) [arms for Argentina] [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 18 Fr | Major | Falklands: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Argentina") [Caputo's visit to Berlin, sale of German torpedoes to Argentina] [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 24 Th | Major | Falklands: Chancellor Kohl letter for MT (Supply of German torpedoes to Argentina) [Powell: "A very helpful response from Chancellor Kohl"] [declassified 2016] |
86 Jul 31 Th | Major | Falklands: Lord Shackleton letter for MT (Falklands fisheries: Argentine/Soviet agreement) [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 5 Tu | Major | Falklands: MOD minute to Cabinet Office ("Down South: A Naval History of the Falkland Campaign") [a manuscript by David Brown] [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 7 Th | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("Falklands at UNGA") [new strategy for the debate] [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 12 Tu | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("Possible Supply of German Torpedoes to Argentina") [MT's draft reply to Chancellor Kohl] [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 15 Fr | Major | Falklands: Cabinet Office minute to MOD ("Down South: A Naval History of the Falkland Campaign") [a manuscript by David Brown] [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 19 Tu | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 (Falklands fisheries: MT's draft reply to Lord Shackleton's letter) [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 21 Th | Major | Falklands: MT letter for Chancellor Kohl (Supply of German torpedoes to Argentina) [declassified 2016] |
86 Aug 22 Fr | Major | Falklands: MT letter for Lord Shackleton (Soviet/Argentine Fisheries Agreement) [declassified 2016] |
86 Sep 2 Tu | Major | Falklands: Lord Shackleton letter for MT (the Antarctic: British role, research & environment) [declassified 2016] |
86 Sep 18 Th | Major | Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("The Antarctic: Letter from Lord Shackleton") [MT's draft reply] [declassified 2016] |