
1979 Jul 18 - 1986 Aug 6
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Nationalised Industries (Organisation of electricity supply industry: private electricity generation)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 85
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Date Value Title
79 Jul 23 Mo Major Nationalised Industries: No.10 letter to Howell PS ("Organisation of the electricity industry") ["... the Prime Minister has asked me to say that the CEGB still seems accountable to no-one, and that because of this, it has been able to abuse its monopoly position..."] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Mar 4 Tu Major Nationalised Industries: Howell minute to MT ("Electricity industry organisation") ["... necessary improvements in decision making and organisation can be achieved without legislation"] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Mar 7 Fr Major Nationalised Industries: Cabinet Office minute to MT ("Organisation of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales") ["... [Howell's] approach... is to remove the threat of legislation for the foreseeable future... I would suggest that you endorse... [his] approach for public consumption, while suggesting to him that he makes it plain to the industry, and especially the CEGB, that it is "on probation" and that the Government will review the case for legislation after a decent interval..."] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Mar 10 Mo Major Nationalised Industries: Keith Joseph minute to MT ("Organisation of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales") ["I know how keen David [Howell] is to move in the direction of privatisation and decentralisation... [but] until we have carefully considered all the options we should hold our fire"] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Apr 2 We Major Nationalised Industries: Howell minute to MT ("Organisation of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales") ["... options for competition or an element of privatisation... [and] consultations with management, unions and consumers on the basis of my draft statement on organisaton..."] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Jul 2 We Major Nationalised Industries: Howell minute to MT ("Organisation of the electricity supply industry") ["The essential criticisms of the industry have been that co-operation between the generating and distribution Boards was difficult and cumbersome and that the [Central Electricity Generating Board] was too isolated from the distribution side and unaccountable... I have now completed my consultations... I have received assurances of commitment to my policy... have [also] considered whether there was scope for increasing the part played by private generation in electricity supply"] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Jul 4 Fr Major Nationalised Industries: Howell minute to MT ("Private generation") [draft PQ: "... relaxing the statutory barrier against others engaging in electricity supply as a main business..."; MT keen for clarification of the current legal position] [declassified Jul 2016]
80 Jul 28 Mo Major Nationalised Industries: St John Stevas letter to Howell ("Private electricity generation") ["... about removing the statutory prohibition... A new bill would add to the four you already have in the programme and would go against our intention, agreed at Cabinet, to lighten the burden of legislation"] [declassified Jul 2016]
81 Aug 6 Th Major Nationalised Industries: Lamont minute to MT ("Interruption to electricity supply") ["In David Howell's absence, I am reporting on the breakdown in the electricity supply system yesterday... The Secretary of State has asked the electricity supply industry... for a full report..."] [declassified Jul 2016]
86 Aug 6 We Major Nationalised Industries: King letter to MacGregor ("Private sector generation of electricity") ["You may be assured that I regard a publicly financed project as an equal contender with the private consortia... You go on to mention private sector management of a public sector project... Only if [the full privatisation] option fails should we explore these alternative methods..."] [declassified Jul 2016]