
1985 Oct 1 - 1986 May 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 14)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2016 Jul 21
Classification: Secret - Cab One
Page count: 335
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 90

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Date Value Title
85 Oct 1 Tu Major Middle East: UKE Luxembourg telegram 340 to FCO (2128Z) ("Foreign Affairs Council, 1 October") ["Arab/Israel": Jordanian delegation; statement on Israeli bombing of PLO camp in Tunisia] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 1 Tu Major Middle East: UKE Tunis telegram 245 to FCO (1605Z) ("Israeli Attack on PLO Settlement in Tunisia") [Tunisian government appeals to UN - UK, in particular - to condemn attack] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 2 We Major Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 2755 to FCO (1930Z) ("Israeli Attack on PLO in Tunisia") [US public line] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 2 We Major Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 2759 to FCO (2245Z) ("King Hussein's Visit") [report on peace negotiations & arms package deal] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 3 Th Minor Middle East: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Letter from Mr Peres to the Prime Minister") [cover note only] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 3 Th Major Middle East: No.10 minute to Howe PS ("Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [stresses need for Delegation's press statement to condemn violence and confirm willingness to work for a peaceful settlement] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 3 Th Major Middle East: UKE Cairo telegram 694 to FCO (1700Z) ("Egypt/Israel") [record of conversation: Mubarak, Meguid, David Owen] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 4 Fr Major Middle East: President Mubarak letter to MT (Israeli raid on PLO HQ in Tunisia) [condemns recent acts of "state-terrorism"; reminder of recent Egyptian contributions to peace process, and concerns for its future] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 4 Fr Major Middle East: No.10 minute to Howe PS ("Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [reiterates need for unequivocal statement by Delegation on renunciation of terrorism, acceptance of peaceful settlement & Israel's right to exist] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 6 Su Major Middle East: UKE Amman telegram 530 to FCO (1300Z) ("Visit of Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [Coles, Rifai, Majali: record of conversation: wording of Delegation's statement to the media] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 8 Tu Major Middle East: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [recap of Coles, Rifai, Majali conversation; draft statement for Delegation] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 10 Th Major Middle East: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [confirmation of meeting arrangments & Delegation's statement for the media] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 10 Th Major Middle East: UKE Amman telegram 543 to FCO (1155Z) ("Arab/Israel") [US government's latest position on the peace process] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 11 Fr Major Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 2854 to FCO (2300Z) ("Arab/Israel") [US government's latest position on the peace process] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 13 Su Major Middle East: Charles Powell note to MT (Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation) ["a last minute hitch"; Palestinian delegates unwilling to recognise Israel's right to exist; 'Daily Express' article criticising the Palestinian component of the Delegation] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 13 Su Major Middle East: Charles Powell minute to MT (Joint Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation) ["There has been a major set-back"; Palestinian delegates unwilling to recognise Israel's right to exist; possibility of MT discussing situation with King Hussein, currently in Scotland] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Middle East: MT letter to King Hussein (UK Government's cancellation of Foreign Minister's meeting with joint Jordanian/Palestinian delegation) [explains decision, expresses regret, emphasises commitment to Hussein's peace process] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 14 Mo Major Middle East: FCO record of conversation (Howe, Majali, Masri) [discussion of reason for cancelled meeting with joint Jordanian/Palestinian delegation, and of next steps] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 18 Fr Major Middle East: MT message to President Mubarak (1830Z) ("Reply to President Mubarak's Message to the Prime Minister") [Middle East peace process; joint condemnation of terrorism & recent incidents; reason for last-minute cancellation of Howe meeting with joint Jordanian/Palestinian delegation to UK] [released Jul 2016]
85 Oct 28 Mo Major Middle East: MT message to King Fahd (1500Z) ("Jordanian/Palestinian Delegation") [explanation for last-minute cancellation of Howe meeting with delegation to UK; assurance of ongoing UK/US commitment to peace process; Tornado] [released Jul 2016]