
1980 Oct 16 - 1982 May 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Manpower (Rayner Scrutiny of payment of benefits to the unemployed people: study by Department of Employment and Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)) (Part 1)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 191
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 33

Per page:
Date Value Title
80 Oct 16 Th Major Manpower: No.10 minute to MT (presentation of Rayner proposals on unemployment benefits system) [declassified 2014]
80 Oct 20 Mo Major Manpower: Prior letter to Jenkin (“DE/DHSS Joint Rayner Scrutiny on Delivery of Benefits to the Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
80 Oct 29 We Major Manpower: Jenkin letter to Prior (“DE/DHSS Rayner Scrutiny”) [declassified 2014]
80 Oct 31 Fr Major Manpower: No.10 briefing for MT (Rayner unemployment benefit scrutiny) [declassified 2014]
80 Nov 3 Mo Major Manpower: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Prior, Jenkin, Derek Rayner, Lynda Chalker) [scrutiny of payment of unemployment benefits] [declassified 2014]
80 Nov 10 Mo Major Manpower: Prior letter to Jenkin (“DE/DHSS Joint Rayner Scrutiny”) [declassified 2014]
80 Dec 17 We Major Manpower: Prior and Jenkin minute to MT (“Joint DE/DHSS Rayner Scrutiny of Unemployment Benefit”) [declassified 2014]
81 Jan 23 Fr Major Manpower: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (“Joint DHSS/DE Scrutiny of Unemployment Benefit”) [MT challenges Treasury regarding staff increase proposal] [declassified 2014]
81 Jan 30 Fr Major Manpower: Rayner minute to MT (“Joint DHSS/DE Scrutiny of Unemployment Benefit”) [comments on Chancellor’s scepticism] [declassified 2014]
81 Feb 20 Fr Major Manpower: No.10 minute to MT (“Rayner Study on Unemployment Benefit”) [declassified 2014]
81 Feb 27 Fr Major Manpower: Heseltine letter to Whitelaw (“Report of the DE/DHSS Rayner Scrutiny of Benefits to Unemployed People”) [declassified 2014]
81 Feb 27 Fr Major Manpower: Rayner minute to Prior (“Scrutiny of the Payment of Benefits to the Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 3 Tu Major Manpower: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to Whitelaw (“DE/DHSS Rayner Scrutiny of Benefits to Unemployed People”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 5 Th Major Manpower: No.10 minute to MT (“Unemployment Benefit Scrutiny”) [MT vexed with Treasury] [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 6 Fr Major Manpower: Jenkin letter to Pym (“Joint DHSS/DE Scrutiny of Benefits for People Who Are Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 9 Mo Major Manpower: Rayner minute to Whitelaw (“Scrutiny of the Payment of Benefits to the Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 13 Fr Major Manpower: Pym letter to Jenkin (Rayner Scrutiny of benefits for the unemployed) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 17 Tu Major Manpower: Rayner letter to Pym (“Scrutiny of the Payment of Benefits to the Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 19 Th Major Manpower: Jenkin letter to Pym (“DHSS/DE Scrutiny of Benefits for People Who Are Unemployed”) [declassified 2014]
81 Mar 19 Th Major Manpower: Prior letter to Whitelaw (“DE/DHSS Rayner Scrutiny of Benefits to Unemployed People”) [declassified 2014]