1985 May 2 - 1986 Oct 20
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Hong Kong (Future of Hong Kong) (Part 18)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2016 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 215 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/1796 - download whole file (PDF, 220.96 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 32
Date | Value | Title |
85 Apr 30 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram to FCO ("Sir S.Y. Chung") [Youde, Chung: record of conversation : "Likely changes in the next three years in the political in the political power relationship between ExCo and LegCo and the more senior members of the two Councils"; Chung's future] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 2 Th | Major | Hong Kong: Howe minute to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Treatment of Members of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service (HMOCS) in Hong Kong") [pensions] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 6 Mo | Major | Hong Kong: UKE Beijing telegram 673 to FCO (0545Z) ("Hong Kong Agreement: Joint Liaison Group") ['nationality' dispute with Chinese over membership] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 7 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: UKE Beijing telegram 673 to FCO (0050Z) ("Hong Kong Agreement: Joint Liaison Group (JLG)") ['nationality' dispute with Chinese over membership] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 10 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram 885 to FCO (0700Z) ("Hong Kong Agreement: Joint Liaison Group") ['nationality' dispute with Chinese over membership] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 11 Sa | Major | Hong Kong: UKE Beijing telegram 706 to FCO (0248Z) ("Hong Kong Agreement: Joint Liaison Group") ['nationality' dispute with Chinese over membership] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 17 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Hong Kong: Joint Liaison Group (JLG)") [resolution of 'nationality' dispute with Chinese over membership] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 24 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram 994 to FCO (0910Z) ("Hong Kong Executive Council: Sir S Y Chung") [opts to renew his membership of UMELCo; remit of the new LegCo and its leader, in liaising directly with UK Government, made clear to Chung] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 29 We | Major | Hong Kong: UMELCo letter to No.10 ("Subject: UMELCO Annual Report 1984") ["future of Hong Kong and covers events up to the... signing of the Joint Declaration in Beijing on 19th December 1984"] [released Dec 2016] |
85 May 31 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Sir SY Chung") [reappointment; "It is quite likely that the next few years will produce some tension among the Unofficials"] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Jun 4 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: No.10 letter to Howe PS ("Harold Weill Medal") [MT-approved nominees] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Jun 12 We | Major | Hong Kong: UKMIS New York telegram 463 to FCO (2315Z) ("Registration of the Hong Kong Agreement at the UN") [details of the ceremony] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Jun 20 Th | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Hong Kong: Tuen Mun Project: Hong Kong Dollar Financing") [Howe's concerns] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Jun 20 Th | Major | Hong Kong: No.10 minute to MT (former Home Affairs Secretary's allegations of 'smear campaign' being conducted by Hong Kong Government officials) [advises MT endorse Howe's recommendation for an independent inquiry but to take a "very low-key" media line] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Jul 26 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe minute to MT ("Hong Kong Force Levels") [MT agrees to proposal to reduce garrison by one battalion in 1987] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Sep 23 Mo | Major | Hong Kong: Heseltine minute to MT ("Hong Kong Force Levels and the Future of the Brigade of Gurkhas") [MT agrees to Heseltine announcing disbandment of Gurkha battalion in 1987, but notes that it will need "careful handling"] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Nov 22 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Channon letter to Howe ("Hong Kong: Second Harbour Crossing") [UK Government support for East Cross Company bid] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Dec 11 We | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram 2800 to FCO (1030Z) ("Visit of Ji Pengfei: Talks: Plenary Session") [Governor of Hong Kong record of conversation with Chinese Head of Hong Kong & Macau Affairs Office] [released Dec 2016] |
85 Dec 11 We | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram 2804 to FCO (2305Z) ("Visit of Ji Pengfei: Second Meeting") [Governor of Hong Kong record of conversation with Chinese Head of Hong Kong & Macau Affairs Office] [released Dec 2016] |
86 May 2 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 ("Hong Kong: Constitutional Development: Future Position of the Governor") [MT not persuaded by the case presented for considering the future position; inclined to await the eventual need to nominate successor to Youde] [released Dec 2016] |