
1983 Nov 28 - 1986 Jul 28
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Government Machinery (Ministerial responsibility for coordinating the presentation of government policies)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2015 Jul 15
Classification: Secret
Page count: 310
Any docs withheld? 1

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 47

Per page:
Date Value Title
86 Mar 6 Th Major Government Machinery: Ingham minute to Nigel Wicks ("Stepping up the Momentum") [proposals] [released Jul 2015]
86 Mar 14 Fr Major Government Machinery: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("NHS Publicity") [proposals for improving image & addressing core problems] [released Jul 2015]
86 Mar 24 Mo Major Government Machinery: No.10 minute to MT (Ministers on duty over Easter) [MT request conveyed to Private Secretaries] [released Jul 2015]
86 Apr 9 We Major Government Machinery: Whitelaw letter to Hailsham (presentation of the Government's policies) ["main conclusions drawn from our experience over the last few months"] [released Jul 2015]
86 Apr 18 Fr Major Government Machinery: Tebbit PS letter to No.10 (presentation of the Government's policies) ["guidelines... concerning notification to this office of the Prime Minister's engagements"] [released Jul 2015]
86 Apr 29 Tu Major Government Machinery: Wakeham letter to Whitelaw ("Circulars from Ministers Relating to Government Policy") [procedure & the role of Government Whips] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 9 Fr Major Government Machinery: Ingham minute to MT ("Presentation Post By-Elections") ["what needs to be done... to improve the Government's performance and how it is perceived by the electorate"] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 14 We Major Government Machinery: Ingham briefing for MT ("Presentation - Cabinet") [strategic advice, post-by-elections] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 19 Mo Major Government Machinery: Lord Young minute to MT (Government announcements on employment & welfare and the relationship between DHSS and the Department of Employment) [complaint about not being consulted in advance of announcement, and need for effective inter-Departmental coordination] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 23 Fr Major Government Machinery: MT minute to Whitelaw (interDepartmental clearance of announcements) [emphasis on need for clearance, in wake of DHSS failure to clear announcement on mortgage interest & supplementary benefits with Department of Employment] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 29 Th Major Government Machinery: No.10 briefing for MT (meeting with Norman Fowler) [Health: background & proposed action for MT] [released Jul 2015]
86 May 30 Fr Major Government Machinery: Ingham minute to MT ("Presentation") [review of machinery for coordinating presentation of Government policy] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 6 Fr Major Government Machinery: No.10 letter to Fowler PS ("Presentation of the NHS") [Bernard Ingham note; policy initiatives] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 9 Mo Major Government Machinery: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with the Lord President") [presentation of Government policy] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 9 Mo Major Government Machinery: Wakeham minute to MT (securing a third term in Government) [proposals] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 13 Fr Minor Government Machinery: Cabinet Office letter to Private Secretaries ("Statements and Briefings on Government Policies for Members of Parliament") [conveys MT reminder of correct procedure] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 24 Tu Major Government Machinery: Ingham briefing for MT ("Cabinet - Presentation") [first meeting of Strategy Committee on public presentation of Government policy] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 26 Th Major Government Machinery: No.10 letter to Fowler PS ("Presentation of the NHS") [request for policy initiatives to buttress presentational aspects in advance of MT meeting with key Ministers to discuss public presentation of Government's achievements] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jun 30 Mo Major Government Machinery: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with the Lord President") [public presentation of Government policy: Chairmanship of MIO] [released Jul 2015]
86 Jul 2 We Major Government Machinery: No.10 briefing for MT (public presentation of Government policy) [update on work of Strategy Group as background for MT "pep talk" to Cabinet] [released Jul 2015]