
1980 Nov 4 - 1986 Jun 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Egypt (Anglo-Egyptian relations: defence sales to Egypt; internal situation) (Part 1)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2018 Jul 24
Classification: Secret
Page count: 357
Any docs withheld? 9

Selections from this file

Showing items 61 - 68 of 68

Per page:
Date Value Title
86 Jun 6 Fr Major Egypt: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Dr. Osama al-Baz, Youssef Abd Elaziz Shrarah) [meeting with Egyptian national security advisor & Egyptian ambassador: MT visit to Israel; Middle East peace process/role of PLO; EC Presidency; Taba; official Egyptian visits to UK] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 12 Th Major Egypt: UKE Cairo telegram 391 to FCO (1142Z) ("Dr. Al Baz's Visit to London") [report on al Baz's perceptions of his visit] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 18 We Major Egypt: UKE Cairo telegram 396 to FCO (1120Z) ("Visit of Egyptian Minister of Defence to the UK") [supplementary briefing] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 23 Mo Major Egypt: Ministry of Defence record of conversation ("Meeting with Field Marshall Abu Ghazala") [George Younger, Abu Ghazala] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 23 Mo Major Egypt: No.10 briefing for MT ("Meeting with Egyptian Defence Minister") [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 24 Tu Major Egypt: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Abu Ghazala) [defence sales; situation in Egypt; Sudan; Libya; Iran/Iraq] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 26 Th Major Egypt: UKE Cairo telegram 409 to FCO (1235Z) ("Taba") [Urwick, Meguid: record of conversation: arbitration] [released Jul 2018]
86 Jun 27 Fr Major Egypt: UKE Washington telegram 1719 to FCO (2300Z) ("Taba") [Judge Sofaer visit to Cairo] [released Jul 2018]