
1979 May 8 - 1985 Feb 28
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Police (Police pay)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 288
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Showing items 21 - 40 of 48

Per page:
Date Value Title
82 Aug 5 Th Major Police: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Cabinet: Police Pay") [link to nurses' pay dispute; alternative methods of determining police pay] [released Dec 2014]
82 Sep 8 We Major Police: No.10 record of conversation ("Discussion with Lord Plowden about Police Pay") [Michael Scholar, Plowden PS: Home Office ask for MT meeting with Plowden to be deferred] [released Dec 2014]
82 Oct 12 Tu Major Police: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Michael Scholar ("Police Pay") [future of police pay determination] [released Dec 2014]
82 Nov 1 Mo Major Police: Michael Scholar minute to MT ("Police pay") [MT is advised of risk of being at cross-purposes with Whitelaw over plans for determining police pay; decides to have meeting with him] [released Dec 2014]
82 Nov 2 Tu Major Police: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Whitelaw) ["Police Pay"] [released Dec 2014]
82 Nov 17 We Major Police: No.10 Policy Unit John Vereker minute to Ferdinand Mount ("Police Pay") [first meeting of Official Group to review current pay award system] [released Dec 2014]
82 Dec 8 We Major Police: Home Office briefing for MT (meeting with Lord Plowden, departing Chairman of the Police Negotiationg Board) [future of police pay arrangements; police morale] [released Dec 2014]
82 Dec 10 Fr Major Police: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lord Plowden) ["Call by Lord Plowden": meeting to mark end of Lord Plowden's tenure as Chairman of Police Negotiating Board; review of Edmund-Davies pay formula] [released Dec 2014]
82 Dec 13 Mo Major Police: MT letter to Lord Plowden (Chairmanship of the Police Negotiating Board) [letter of thanks to mark the end of Lord Plowden's tenure] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jan 24 Mo Major Police: No.10 minute to Cabinet Office ("Police Pay Arrangements") [MT decides not to act on Official Committee report's recommendations in run-up to Elextion] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jan 28 Fr Major Police: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Police Pay Arrangements") [review of index-linked pay; public statements] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jul 8 Fr Major Police: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Michael Scholar ("Police Pay") [comments on proposed review and 1983 pay settlement] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jul 15 Fr Major Police: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Police Pay") [review] [released Dec 2014]
83 Jul 20 We Major Police: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Brittan) ["Police Pay"] [released Dec 2014]
83 Aug 3 We Major Police: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to Brittan ("Police Pay") [announcement of pay increase; approval of pay settlement] [released Dec 2014]
84 Feb 27 Mo Major Police: No.10 note to MT (Police pay) [MT agrees to convey her concerns about police pay award levels to Lawson, in advance of E(PSP) meeting] [released Dec 2014]
84 Feb 27 Mo Major Police: Chancellor of the Exchequer letter to Brittan ("Police Pay Review") [agreement of Official side's position in advance of pay review] [released Dec 2014]
84 Mar 2 Fr Major Police: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Police Pay") [terms & scope of the pay review] [released Dec 2014]
84 Mar 21 We Major Police: Brittan minute to MT ("Police Pay") [recruitment and retention: MT observes risk of diminishing returns of pay award increases] [released Dec 2014]
84 Mar 29 Th Major Police: Younger minute to MT ("Police Pay") [effect of pay award on recruitment] [released Dec 2014]