1979 May 14 - 1985 Mar 4
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
New Zealand (Visits to UK by Prime Ministers Robert Muldoon and David Lange) (Part 1)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Top Secret |
Page count: | 283 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/1587 - download whole file (PDF, 47.43 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 21 - 36 of 36
Date | Value | Title |
83 May 24 Tu | Major | New Zealand: Robert Muldoon message to MT (visit to the UK) [enjoyed lunch] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 16 Th | Major | New Zealand: Howe PS minute to John Coles ("Visit of New Zealand Prime Minister") [EC/NZ trade relations, international trade, sport and South Africa] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 20 Mo | Major | New Zealand: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Muldoon) [elections, NZ/EC trade relations, international trade, Gulf] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 20 Mo | Major | New Zealand: UKE Washington telegram 50 to FCO (0230Z) ("Sir Robert Muldoon's Call: Sheepmeat and Butter") [talks with France] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 20 Mo | Major | New Zealand: UKHC Nairobi telegram 312 to FCO (1300Z) ("Spring Box [sic] Tour of New Zealand") [alleged violation of the Gleneagles agreement] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 21 Tu | Minor | New Zealand: MT message to Robert Muldoon (visit to the UK) [thanks] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Feb 27 Mo | Minor | New Zealand: Robert Muldoon message to MT (visit to the UK) [appreciated discussions on trade and economic problems] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Mar 4 Su | Major | New Zealand: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Lange) [NZ/EC trade relations, nuclear ships visits, nuclear weapons] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 May 14 Mo | Major | New Zealand: Ministry of Agriculture record of conversation (Jopling-Muldoon) [EC/NZ trade relations] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 May 15 Tu | Major | New Zealand: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Muldoon) [NZ/EC trade relations, international debt, Argentina, banking system, economic summit] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Aug 28 Tu | Major | New Zealand: David Lange message to MT (visit to the UK) [thanks for support in EC trade negotiations] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Sep 12 We | Minor | New Zealand: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Visit to the UK by Mr. David Lange, New Zealand Prime Minister and Foreign Minister") [arrangements] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Sep 28 Fr | Major | New Zealand: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Visit of New Zealand Prime Minister") [nuclear ships' visits] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Sep 30 Su | Major | New Zealand: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Lange) [UN Falklands resolution, nuclear ships visits, Australia] [declassified Dec 2014] |
84 Oct 2 Tu | Minor | New Zealand: David Lange message to MT (visit to the UK) [thanks] [declassified Dec 2014] |
85 Mar 2 Sa | Major | New Zealand: Howe PS minute to Charles Powell ("Call by New Zealand Prime Minister, 4 March 10.30 a.m.") [Lange's stance on nuclear weapons] [declassified Dec 2014] |