
1984 Sep 12 - 1985 Mar 25
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Foreign Policy (Prime Minister's visit to China, Hong Kong and USA, December 1984: policy)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 250
Any docs withheld? 5

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 58

Per page:
Date Value Title
84 Dec 12 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 3725 to FCO (2318Z) ("Prime Minister's Meeting with the President, 22 December: Northern Ireland") [briefing on Congressman Biaggi letter; lines to take] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 12 We Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Visit to Washington") [MT request for additional briefing on arms control] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 12 We Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Visit to Peking") [MT request for additional briefing] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 13 Th Minor Foreign Policy: No.10 letter to Dennis Lennon & Partners (Prime Minister's Visit to Peking) [accommodation arrangements] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 13 Th Major Foreign Policy: Department of Trade and Industry briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Meeting with President Reagan") [US import restrictions; Laker; US/USSR bilateral trade] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States") [request for briefing] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Charles Powell letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Meeting with President Reagan: Northern Ireland") [handling & public presentation of the discussion] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Foreign Policy: FCO briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Visit to Peking") [supplementary briefing] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Foreign Policy: Department of Energy briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Visit to Peking") [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 17 Mo Major Foreign Policy: Peter Walker minute to MT (inter-governmental nuclear co-operation agreement with China) [support for Howe proposal of 14 December] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 17 Mo Major Foreign Policy: Heseltine PS letter to Howe PS ("Prime Minister's Visit to the United States") [proposal that Heseltine accompany MT] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Key Hong Kong: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang) [signature of Joint Declaration] [declassified Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Key Hong Kong: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Deng Xiaoping) [signature of Joint Declaration] [declassified Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 3790 to FCO (2335Z) ("Prime Minister's Meeting with the President: Northern Ireland") [agreement on joint lines to take for the media] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 3807 to FCO (2350Z) ("Speech by Weinberger on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)") [speech to foreign press: "the most forceful and fullest public exposition so far given... of the rationale behind the SDI"] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 13 to FCO (2200Z) ("Prime Minister's Meeting with the President at Camp David: 22 December") ["The Prime Minister will, I think, find President Reagan in an up-beat mood": analysis] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 14 to FCO (2000Z) ("Prime Minister's Meeting with the President at Camp David: 22 December: Economic Issues") [analysis] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Washington telegram 3803 to FCO (2010Z) ("The US Economy, the Federal Budget Deficit and US Defence Spending: Latest Developments") [analysis] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: UKE Beijing record of conversation (1900Z) (Howe, Wu Xueqian) [points outstanding on Hong Kong negotiations, following MT meeting with Ziyang earlier that day] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 19 We Major Foreign Policy: Howe message to Shultz (1703Z) (arms control in space) ["we remain unconvinced that this is a desirable objective"] [released Dec 2014]