1985 Apr 25 - 1985 Sep 22
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (G7 Summit - Bonn) (Part 19)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 412 |
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Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 60
Date | Value | Title |
85 Apr 24 We | Major | G7: Nigel Lawson minute to MT ("Economic Summit: Unitary Tax") ["when it comes to the crunch, I think a push from the President himself may be necessary"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 24 We | Minor | G7: TUC General-Secretary letter to MT ("Bonn Economic Summit") ["concern of the international trade union movement at growing insecurity, inequality and polarisation"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 26 Fr | Minor | G7: European Parliament Secretary-General to MT (forwards European Parliament resolution) [Latin American debt and Bonn Summit] [released Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 30 Tu | Major | G7/Central America: UKE Washington telegram 1441 to FCO (2322Z) ("US/Central America: Economic Sanctions Against Nicaragua") ["likely to include bans on US imports from and exports to Nicaragua and suspension of air landing rights and port access"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 Apr 30 Tu | Major | G7: Robin Nicholson letter to MT ("EUREKA") [proposal for a new European programme of coordinated research "is ill-thought out, in that whilst it identifies the right problem, the diagnosis is wrong"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Bonn Economic Summit: Bilaterals") [briefs for meetings with Craxi, Mitterrand] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Nigel Lawson minute to MT ("EUREKA - French proposal for a European Research Co-ordination Agency") ["there can be no need or justification for increased governmental spending on anything like the scale the French appear to have in mind"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Hurd PS minute to Charles Powell ("US/UK Extradition") [new treaty would "deny fugitives accused or convicted of certain serious offences of violence scope for avoiding extradition"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Minor | G7: UKE Bonn telegram to FCO ("Bonn Economic Summit: Bilaterals") [attendees for meeting with Reagan] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Robert Armstrong note to MT (monetary policy) ["Mitterrand was 'greatly upset' by the reports of what you said... about high level monetary conference etc"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7/Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 1446 to FCO (1935Z) ("Arab/Israel") ["Shultz was loath to accept that the US should take over the leading role in the peace process"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Minor | G7: Charles Powell minute to Robert Armstrong ("Bonn Economic Summit: Political Declaration") [draft declaration - MT "finds the French objection to any reference to the United States in the context of the Geneva talks petty to a degree"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Bonn Economic Summit: Speaking Note on Economic Issues") [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: MT draft speaking note ("Bonn Economic Summit: Speaking Note on Economic Issues") [further revisions, annotated] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: ?Treasury briefing ("President Mitterrand's Currency Ideas") [line to take: "very sceptical about any future return to a fixed or nearly-fixed system"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: Charles Powell minute to Howe PS ("Soviet air space reservations in the Berlin air corridors") [MT content with Howe pursuing preservation of Allied rights, but wants to be consulted before any major decision is taken] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: John Redwood minute to MT ("Economic Summit. Locomotive Reflation: Should the Non-US Economies Expand") ["If US interest rates start to come down because the US Government decides to cut its Budget deficit, it would be damaging for the other Western nations then to expand their Budget deficits"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: MT draft opening statement (press conference after Bonn Summit) ["All of us are seeking to build on the progress already made"] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 1 We | Major | G7: UKE Washington telegram 1488 to FCO (2330Z) ("EC: US Agriculture: Congressional Reaction to Bonn Summit") [Dole claims the French have made it clear they won't negotiate on the CAP] [released Dec 2014] |
85 May 2 Th | Major | G7: Hurd PS minute to Charles Powell ("Bonn Economic Summit") [Home Office suggestion re: line to take on drugs problem] [released Dec 2014] |