1983 Dec 1 - 1985 May 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Cyprus (Internal situation: UK/Cyprus relations) (Part 2)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 446 |
Any docs withheld? | 9 |
PREM19/1432 - download whole file (PDF, 83.46 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 115
Date | Value | Title |
83 Dec 1 Th | Major | Cyprus: UKMIS New York telegram 1510 to FCO (0035Z) (“Cyprus”) [reports de Cuéllar “might be willing to consider proposals from us for concerted action to break out of the current deadlock”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 1 Th | Major | Cyprus: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Possible Meeting between the Prime Minister and Mr Papandreou at the European Council”) [“better to avoid a bilateral meeting on an issue unrelated to the budget negotiations”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 2 Fr | Major | Cyprus: UKE Athens telegram to FCO (“Cyprus: Guarantor Power Consultations”) [“Papandreou is looking to us to pull his chestnuts out of the fire”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 2 Fr | Major | Cyprus: Howe PS briefing for MT (“Meeting between Mrs Thatcher and the Prime Minister of Greece”) [“only advantage in agreeing to take on the role of mediator would be presentational”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 3 Sa | Major | Cyprus: UKE Athens telegram to FCO (“Cyprus: Guarantor Power Consultations”) [“any form of talks under the treaty of guarantee run a strong risk of leaving us with a good share of the blame for failure”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 3 Sa | Major | Cyprus: FCO letter to No.10 (“Message from President Kyprianou to the Prime Minister”) [“did not want the possibility of parallel exchanges (between the UK and Greece and the UK and Turkey) to be excluded”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 3 Sa | Major | Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram to FCO (“EC/Cyprus”) [“The Greek Cypriots would jump at Haferkamp’s idea”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 3 Sa | Major | Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram to FCO (“Developments in North Cyprus: ‘Constituent Assembly’”) [first meeting, new constitution] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 4 Su | Major | Cyprus: FCO telegram to UKHC Nicosia (“Cyprus: Guarantor Power Consultations”) [“Kyprianou was anxious that the British Government should not seem to encourage talks between himself and Mr Denktash before the purported Turkish-Cypriot declaration of independence had been reversed”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 5 Mo | Major | Cyprus: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Papandreou) [brief exchange on tripartite consultations during Heads of Government dinner] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 7 We | Major | Cyprus: Ministry of Defence record of conversation (Heseltine, Papandreou, Bayulken) [military situation, possibility of high level talks] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 8 Th | Major | Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram to FCO (“Cyprus: Turkish offer on Varosha”) [negotiations with Denktash on declaration announcing terms of UN agreement] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 20 Tu | Major | Cyprus: UKHC Nicosia telegram to FCO (“Cyprus problem”) [“Kyprianou appearing to favour consultations under treaty of guarantee in parallel form”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 20 Tu | Major | Cyprus: UKMIS New York telegram 1690 to FCO (0235Z) (“Commonwealth Action Group”) [“All the ministers are furious with Ramphal for dragging them to New York for no apparent purpose”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 22 Th | Major | Lebanon: UKMIS New York telegram 1717 to FCO (0120Z) (“Lebanon: Role of UN forces”) [de Cuéllar: “very conscious of the need for a Security Council mandate and of the difficulty of securing one”] [declassified 2014] |
83 Dec 29 Th | Major | Cyprus: FCO telegram to UKHC Nicosia (“Cyprus”) [“Kyprianou was anxious to talk to the Prime Minister”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jan 5 Th | Major | Cyprus: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“UN Secretary-General’s activities”) [“he was in fact being active behind the scenes in a potentially useful way”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jan 9 Mo | Major | Cyprus: Rauf Denktash letter to MT (declaration of independent Turkish Republic of Nothern Cyprus) [“will not… hinder the establishment of a genuine federation”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jan 11 We | Major | Cyprus: UKE Washington telegram 96 to FCO (0018Z) (“Cyprus”) [Kyprianou speaking notes: proposals for future] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jan 13 Fr | Major | Cyprus: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Cyprus”) [consultations under treaty of guarantee] [declassified 2014] |