1982 Jul 19 - 1985 Jun 21
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
China (Visit to UK by Chinese Prime Minister, Zhao Ziyang, June 1985: meetings with Prime Minister) (Part 2)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 285 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/1426 - download whole file (PDF, 167.66 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 44
Date | Value | Title |
82 Jul 19 Mo | Minor | China: Pym PS letter to John Coles (invitation to Zhao Ziyang) [unlikely to take up invitation in near future, but normal to extend invitation] [released 2017] |
82 Jul 20 Tu | Major | China: No.10 minute to FCO ("Prime Minister's Visit to China") [reciprocal visit: "I suggest nothing is said to the Chinese about this matter in advance of the Prime Minister's visit"] [released 2017] |
82 Oct 20 We | Major | China: Pym PS letter to John Coles ("Invitation to Chinese Prime Minister") ["A visit by Zhao in good course will contribute to bilateral relations"] [released 2017] |
82 Oct 21 Th | Major | China: FCO telegram to UKE Peking ("A return visit by Zhao Ziyang") [invitation to Zhao, contact at a top level will be increasingly important] [released 2017] |
85 Feb 7 Th | Major | China: Howe PS letter to Charles Powell ("China: Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang") [likely dates, possible programme] [released 2017] |
85 Apr 19 Fr | Major | China: Howe PS letter to Charles Powell ("Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang") ["We expect the public focus to be firmly on economic cooperation and opportunities for trade"] [released 2017] |
85 Apr 22 Mo | Major | China: Charles Powell to Howe PS ("Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang") [MT "very ready to step up her participation in his programme", including welcoming ceremony, second session of talks, farewell call] [released 2017] |
85 Apr 25 Th | Major | China: Howe PS letter to Charles Powell ("China: Visit by Premier Zhao") [proposed MT interview with senior Chinese journalists "would provide a rare opportunity to project her views at first hand to the Chinese people"] [released 2017] |
85 Apr 25 Th | Major | China: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Prime Minister of China's Visit: Interview") [knows "the importance you attach to the success of this visit", suggests half-hour exceptional interview] [released 2017] |
85 May 7 Tu | Major | China: Press Office minute to MT (briefing for interview with Chinese journalists) [questions on three areas: international situation, economic and political scene in the UK, Sino-British relations] [released 2017] |
85 May 7 Tu | Minor | China: Howe PS letter to Charles Powell ("Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang: Gift") ["something artistic and individual, which would be a fitting memento for the Premier of his visit"] [released 2017] |
85 May 10 Fr | Minor | China: Charles Powell minute to MT ("Premier Zhao Ziyang's Gift") [choice between a piece of porcelain or a David Gentleman watercolour] [released 2017] |
85 May 10 Fr | Major | China: Howe PS letter to Charles Powell ("Dinner for Premier Zhao Ziyang on 3 June") [attendance of Hong Kong delegates] [released 2017] |
85 May 13 Mo | Major | China: Charles Powell to Howe PS ("Premier Zhao Ziyang's Visit") [Hong Kong delegates at Zhao dinner agreed, gift for Zhao either a piece of porcelain or a carriage clock] [released 2017] |
85 May 13 Mo | Minor | China: Caroline Ryder minute to Charles Powell ("Premier Zhao Ziyang") [arrangements for farewell call] [released 2017] |
85 May 14 Tu | Minor | China: Caroline Ryder minute to MT ("Premier Zhao Ziyang of China") [arrangements for farewell call] [released 2017] |
85 May 17 Fr | Major | China: DTI letter to Charles Powell (draft reply to London Consortium) [proposed action group unnecessary] [released 2017] |
85 May 21 Tu | Major | China: UKE Peking telegram to FCO ("Zhao's visit: Sino-British relations") [Hong Kong, Sino-Soviet relations, trade] [released 2017] |
85 May 23 Th | Major | China: FCO to No.10 ("Visit by Premier Zhao Ziyang, 2-8 June 1985") [briefings: objectives on Hong Kong, relationship with Zhao, bilateral relations, trade relations] [released 2017] |
85 May 24 Fr | Major | China: Charles Powell to Howe PS ("Visit of Chinese Premier") [MT willing to sign trade, nuclear agreements; arrangements for signing ceremonies] [released 2017] |