1984 Jul 2 - 1984 Jul 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Hong Kong (Future of Hong Kong) (Part 15)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Jan 3 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 241 |
Any docs withheld? | 3 |
PREM19/1266 - download whole file (PDF, 35.04 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 45
Date | Value | Title |
82 Jul 14 We | Major | Hong Kong: Luce telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong Test of Acceptability”) [“major issue”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 3 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: Youde telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong: consultations in London on future strategy”) [“UMELCO are now… widely accepted as spokesmen for the real concerns”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 4 We | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Future of Hong Kong: arrangements for testing the acceptability in Hong Kong of an agreement with the Chinese”) [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 5 Th | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram to FCO (“Hong Kong: Prime Minister’s meeting with Governor of Hong Kong and HM Ambassador Peking, 6 July 1984”) [Joint Liaison Group; negotiating tactics] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 5 Th | Major | Hong Kong: Cradock minute to No.10 (“Hong Kong”) [Ambassador and Governor difference of opinion on location of Joint Group and general strategy] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 6 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howe, Youde, Luce, Acland, Cradock, Evan) [Joint Liaison Group/ tactics for Howe return visit to Beijing] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 6 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe telegram to UKHC Canberra (“Future of Hong Kong: briefing our allies”) [negotiations: Joint Liaison Group and draft agreement] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 6 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Hong Kong Government telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong”) [“spate of rumours has triggered a sharp fall in the value of the Hong Kong dollar”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 9 Mo | Major | Hong Kong: Youde telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong: the way ahead”) [ongoing EXCO concern about Joint Liaison Group] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 9 Mo | Major | Hong Kong: UMELCO letter to No.10 (“Future of Hong Kong: the way ahead”) [report on visit to Beijing and UMELCO proposals] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 10 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Future of Hong Kong: constitutional development up to and after 1997”) [FCO paper] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 10 Tu | Major | Hong Kong: Howe PS letter to No.10 (“Future of Hong Kong: visit to Hong Kong and Peking by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs”) [draft MT message to Chinese Premier] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 12 Th | Major | Hong Kong: Howe telegram to Hong Kong Government (“Future of Hong Kong: message from the Prime Minister to Premier Zhao Ziyang”) [“I have become concerned… serious [difficulties] have been identified”] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: UKE Beijing telegram to Luce (“Future of Hong Kong: Joint Group: Secretary of State’s visit”) [record of conversation: Evans, Zhou Nan] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe minute to MT (“Undertakings by HMG to Hong Kong people”) [proposed criteria for resettlement in UK post-1997] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 13 Fr | Major | Hong Kong: Howe minute to MT (“Future of Hong Kong: Nationality”) [working apper annex reflecting recent negotiations] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 14 Sa | Major | Hong Kong: Youde telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong: visit of Mr Luce: meeting with UMELCO”) [record of conversation: Joint Liaison Group; Test of Acceptability] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 14 Sa | Major | Hong Kong: Youde telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong: Mr Luce’s discussions with EXCO”) [record of conversation: Joint Liaison Group] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 14 Sa | Major | Hong Kong: Luce telegram to FCO (“Future of Hong Kong: Joint Group”) [Hong Kong generally opposed to the idea] [declassified 2014] |
84 Jul 16 Mo | Major | Hong Kong: UKE Beijing telegram to Howe (“Future of Hong Kong: your visit”) [record of conversation: Evans, Zhou Nan] [declassified 2014] |