
1984 Jun 1 - 1984 Jul 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Economic policy (Privatisation) (Part 10)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Jan 3
Classification: Secret
Page count: 485
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 29 of 29

Per page:
Date Value Title
84 Jul 11 We Major Economic policy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lawson, Ridley, Tebbit, Biffen, Wakeham) ["Sealink": consideration given to bids & decision made] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 11 We Major Economic policy: Edwards letter to Ridley ("Local Choice in Public Transport") [Welsh Office publication; "I am proposing to publish this simultaneously with your White Paper on 12 July"] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 15 Su Major Economic policy: Ridley PS letter to No.10 ("Airports Policy") [privatisation of BAA's London & Scottish airports] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 18 We Major Economic policy: Ridley PS letter to No.10 ("Sealink: Statement by the Secretary of State for Transport Wednesday, 18 July") [text; "I have today given my consent... to the sale of Sealink (UK) by BR to a subsidiary of Sea Containers Ltd"] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 18 We Major Economic policy: Rees minute to MT ("VAT and Contracting Out") ["whether the incidence of VAT... [distorts] appraisal of the merits of carrying out certain work "in house" in the public sector": findings] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 18 We Major Economic policy: John Moore minute to MT ("Privatisation progress reports: July 1984") ["I attach to this minute summary notes on the present position of individual private candidates... My overall impression is that we have made fair progress... But some slippages have also become apparent"] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 25 We Major Economic policy: Jenkin letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Contracting Out of Local Government Services") ["I was asked to commission a report from officials on the legislative options... will take rather longer than we had hoped... I thought... I should bring colleagues generally up to date"] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 26 Th Major Economic policy: Younger letter to Tebbit ("Nationalised Industry References to the MMC: Scottish Bus Services") ["I have... now proposed that the bus reference be dropped, because circumstances have changed... recent White Paper... proposals... will lead to significant gains in efficiency without benefit of an MCC study... some presentational difficulty in abandoning a reference which we have already announced"] [declassified Jan 2014]
84 Jul 27 Fr Major Economic policy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("Contracting-out of Local Government Services") ["still a danger that... [Jenkin's] plans will be neutered [by officials] before they reach Ministers... It would therefore be helpful for... [MT] to express her strong support for the principle of competition, and her wish to see rapid, effective action"] [declassified Jan 2014]