1982 Nov 15 - 1984 Feb 28
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Defence (Defence sales) (Part 3)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2014 Jan 3 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 435 |
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Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 48
Date | Value | Title |
82 Nov 15 Mo | Major | Defence: Nott PS letter to No.10 ("Defence Sales - Quarterly Report: July-September 1982") ["a generally successful quarter both in terms of sales achieved and progress towards new deals"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
82 Nov 22 Mo | Major | Defence: Managing Director of British Aerospace letter to MT (sale of Sea Dart weapon system to China) ["Thank you for your involvement in our success... This will help to secure jobs"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
82 Nov 26 Fr | Major | Defence: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Pym) ["Arms Sales": "recent controversy over French and German arms sales to Argentina"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jan 13 Th | Major | Defence: Pym PS letter to No.10 ("Arms Sales") ["you asked for further advice... in the context of the controversy over French and German arms sales to Argentina... Mr Pym is aware that... [his] conclusions amount to an endorsement of the status quo... he will be happy to discuss this further"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Feb 3 Th | Major | Defence: FRG Ministry of Defence letter to No.10 (export of Tornado engine to India) ["I would like to confirm this advance information in writing and refer to the conditions which were the basis for the agreement"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Feb 15 Tu | Major | Defence: Lord Cockfield letter to Heseltine ("Sale of Tornado to Greece: credit terms") ["I entirely agree with you about the importance of gaining this order for Britain... I have now authorised ECGD to increase the credit portion to 85% in line with... our German and Italian partners"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Feb 16 We | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("China - Project 051") ["contracts signed on 10th November 1982 with UK Industry... We confirmed our approval... but the Chinese have so far withheld theirs"; attached letter from Heseltine to Chinese Minister of Defense] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Feb 21 Mo | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("Defence Sales - Quarterly Report: October - December 1982") ["total value of contracts signed during the year... compared with the 1981 total... an increase of... 16% in real terms.. the general picture on prospects... in 1983 is optimistic"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Mar 14 Mo | Major | Defence: Heseltine PS letter to No.10 (message from Australian Minister for Defence: aircraft carriers for Australia) [decision not to proceed; line to take] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Mar 17 Th | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("Tornado for Greece") ["could be worth approximately £500m to the UK and maintain employment for some 2,000 workers... export orders are urgently needed... We face fierce French and American competition"; draft letter from MT to Papandreou] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Mar 24 Th | Major | Defence: MT message to Prime Minister Papandreou (Tornado) ["I believe that the purchase of Tornado would demonstrate the importance attached by all the Government[s] concerned] to defence co-operation on a European basis"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 May 12 Th | Major | Defence: Prime Minister Papandreou letter to MT (sale of Tornado) [terms sought by Greece for the loan agreement and procurement of defence articles] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 May 17 Tu | Major | Defence: UKE Athens telegram to FCO ("Sale of Tornado") [Geoffrey Pattie, Papandreou, Zakolikos: record of discussion: "clear that the Greeks want Tornado, for reasons including its European provenance"; MT concerned about having not yet received letter from Papandreou referred to in the telegram] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 2 Th | Major | Defence: MT letter to Prime Minister Gandhi (Westland Sea King helicopter and British Aerospace Sea Eagle missile) ["delighted to hear that the Sea King is your Government's preferred choice... This will give the prospects for future defence collaboration between India and Britain timely encouragement"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 6 Mo | Major | Defence: MT letter to Prime Minister Papandreou (Tornado) ["Partnership in this venture, alongside the three current members of the consortium [UK, West Germany, Italy] would lead... to longer term co-operation in the defence, political and economic spheres"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 15 We | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("Jaguar for Nigeria") [British Aerospace contract & loan agreement] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 20 Mo | Major | Defence: No.10 letter to Heseltine PS ("Tornado") [prospective sale; note that MT was unable to raise issue with Prime Minister of Greece at European Council] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 23 Th | Major | Defence: Heseltine minute to MT ("Defence Sales Quarterly Report - January to March 1983") ["If this level of business can be maintained throughout 1983 we can look forward to a good end year result"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jun 24 Fr | Major | Defence: Prime Minister Gandhi letter to MT (Westland Sea King helicopter and Sea Eagle missile) ["You will be glad to know that we have decided to buy"] [declassified Jan 2014] |
83 Jul 18 Mo | Major | Defence: Heseltine PS letter to No.10 ("Defence sales to Guyana - vehicles and ammunition") ["to follow up the two... points made by President Burnham during his meeting with... [MT] of Tuesday"] [declassified Jan 2014] |