1982 Dec 1 - 1983 Jun 30
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Nationalised industries (Prospects for the steel industry; plant closures; future of Ian MacGregor, chairman of British Steel Corporation (BSC)) (Part 12)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2013 Aug 1 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 368 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/1095 - download whole file (PDF, 65.21 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 21 - 30 of 30
Date | Value | Title |
83 Feb 7 Mo | Major | Nationalised industries: Lord Cockfield PS letter to No.10 (countervailing duty case on stainless steel) [latest position in response to expression of interest from MT] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 15 Tu | Major | Nationalised industries: Jenkin letter to Vice President Davignon of the EC Commission (Sheerness Steel) ["problems... over system of production quotas"; MT notes "I am taking a personal interest... and I regard the matter as extremely important and urgent"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Mar 17 Th | Major | Nationalised industries: Younger letter to Jenkin ("Ravenscraig and Gartcosh") [protest at planned closure of Gartcosh & anticipated knock-on effect on Ravenscraig] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Mar 18 Fr | Major | Nationalised industries: MT letter to Viscount Weir (future Chairmanship of the British Steel Corporation) [nomination] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Mar 23 We | Major | Nationalised industries: Jenkin letter to Brittan ("British Steel's EFL for 1982/83") [latest position] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Apr 26 Tu | Major | Nationalised industries: Department of Industry briefing for MT ("Prime Minister's Questions, 26 April 1983") ["British Steel Corporation: Mr MacGregor's visits to Moscow and Peking"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 May 10 Tu | Major | Nationalised industries: Jenkin minute to MT ("British Steel Corporation") ["decisions are needed on approving... [BSC's Corporate] Plan... the External Financing Limit for 1983/84, and the hot strip mill investment at Port Talbot. We will be pressed to state our position on these issues during the election campaign: I also need a basis for the notification of aid to BSC up to 1985"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 May 16 Mo | Major | Nationalised industries: Jenkin PS letter to No.10 ("BSC Corporate Plan 1983/86") [draft statement to Parliament] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 May 19 Th | Major | Nationalised industries: Jenkin letter to Ian MacGregor ("BSC Corporate Plan 1983/86") ["I am glad to see that the Plan is designed to continue BSC's progress towards viability... I recognise that the steel market remains difficult... no proposal from BSC about any possible partnership with an American steel company"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 May 23 Mo | Major | Nationalised industries: MT letter to Steel Industry Management Association, Scottish Group Branch Secretary (future of Ravenscraig) ["steelmaking will continue at the five integrated plants... no proposal from BSC about any possible partnership with an American steel company"] [declassified Aug 2013] |