1982 Sep 21 - 1983 Apr 28
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Economic policy (G7 Summit - Williamsburg) (Part 11)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2013 Aug 1 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 229 |
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Showing items 1 - 20 of 39
Date | Value | Title |
82 Sep 21 Tu | Major | Economic Policy: UKE Tokyo telegram to FCO ("Economic Summit") [note from MT talks with Suzuki during visit to Japan: MT concerns about timing of the Summit] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Sep 29 We | Major | Economic Policy: President Reagan letter to MT (Economic Summit 1983: Williamsburg) [US invitation] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Sep 29 We | Major | Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Economic Summit") [advice on the timing of the Summit in the context of world economy deterioration] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 1 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: President Reagan message to MT (Economic Summit 1983) [date] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 1 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: MT message to President Reagan (Economic Summit 1983) ["The world economic situation has considerably deteriorated... and I wonder whether we can wait as long as June"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 1 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to Ingham (Economic Summit 1983) [US press release] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 5 Tu | Major | Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Timing of 1983 Economic Summit") [request to change date so as not to clash with Budget] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 5 Tu | Major | Economic Policy: Cabinet Office record of conversation ("Note for the Record") [record of conversation: Armstrong, Attali: Kohl/Mitterrand meeting; French dispute with US over 1983 Economic Summit date; President's Versaille report on technology; EC budget; Franco-British bilateral Summit in November] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Oct 18 Mo | Major | Economic Policy: President Reagan message to MT (Williamsburg economic summit: agenda) ["these meetings are an especially valuable opportunity for frank, candid and direct conversation... The problems we face cannot be reduced to structured agendas"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Nov 15 Mo | Major | Economic Policy: UKE Moscow telegram to FCO ("Secretary of State's meeting with Mr Shultz, 14 November: world economy and economic summits") [Shultz, Pym partial record of conversation: world economy: "Austerity was a correct prescription for one country, so long as others were in good shape? But what about if a number of countries were badly placed?... agenda for the next Summit"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Nov 19 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: UKE Washington telegram 3754 to FCO (0025Z) ("1983 Economic Summit") ["Mitterrand... angry... because he felt that the Americans had treated him cavalierly by announcing.. the Summit [dates, without consulting him]"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
82 Dec 3 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: MT message to President Reagan ("Economic summits") [thoughts on form and content of the forthcoming Williamsburg summit] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Jan 12 We | Major | Economic Policy: Pym minute to MT ("Bilateral consultations") ["important meetings... over the next few months... our priorities and objectives"] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Jan 28 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: President Reagan message to MT (Williamsburg Economic Summit) [topics for discussion] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 1 Tu | Major | Economic Policy: Treasury record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer, Claude Cheysson) [Williamsburg Economic Summit: Mitterrand proposals for agenda; EC budget] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 9 We | Major | Economic Policy: No.10 minute to Cabinet Office ("Preparation for the Economic Summit in Williamsburg") [MT concerned that Mitterrand preparing "prescriptive and interventionist proposals"; requests UK paper to counterbalance them] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 10 Th | Major | Economic Policy: Ingham minute to Cabinet Office ("Williamsburg - Press guidelines") [Economic summit] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 11 Fr | Major | Economic Policy: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 ("Preparations for the Williamsburg Summit") [draft reply to Reagan on economic content of the Summit & MT meeting with Bush; advice regarding Mitterrand proposals] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 14 Mo | Major | Economic Policy: MT message to President Reagan (Williamsburg Economic Summit) [managing media expectations] [declassified Aug 2013] |
83 Feb 24 Th | Major | Economic Policy: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("The US economy") ["Monetary policy appears to be in some disarray... We also discussed growing pressure on the major low inflation countries... it will be important before Williamsburg to reduce expectations that the Summit will produce reflationary measures"] [declassified Aug 2013] |