1979 Jul 24 - 1982 Feb 8
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Transport (Fixed Channel Link (Channel Tunnel); economic considerations; discussions with French) (Part 1)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2012 Dec 28 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 207 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/937 - download whole file (PDF, 28.77 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 23
Date | Value | Title |
79 Jul 24 Tu | Major | Transport: Fowler minute to MT (Channel tunnel) [declassified 2012] |
79 Sep 27 Th | Major | Transport: Fowler PS letter to No.10 (“Channel tunnel”) [declassified 2012] |
79 Nov 7 We | Major | Transport: MT letter to Sir Horace Cutler (cross-Channel link) [declassified 2012] |
80 Feb 11 Mo | Major | Transport: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT (“Channel bridge”) [declassified 2012] |
80 Feb 25 Mo | Major | Transport: Fowler PS letter to No.10 (cross-Channel link) [declassified 2012] |
80 Aug 7 Th | Major | Transport: Gow letter to Whitelaw (Channel tunnel) [declassified 2012] |
80 Dec 5 Fr | Major | Transport: MT letter to Baron de Rothschild (cross-Channel link) [declassified 2012] |
80 Dec 22 Mo | Major | Transport: Fowler minute to MT (cross-Channel link) [declassified 2012] |
81 Jan 21 We | Major | Transport: No.10 record of conversation (call from M.Wahl of President Giscard’s office) [Whitmore denying reports circulating that MT favoured reopening the issue] [declassified 2012] |
81 Aug 25 Tu | Major | Transport: Gow letter to Sir John Howard (“Euro-route - free enterprise road and rail Channel crossing”) [MT meeting with Ian MacGregor] [declassified 2012] |
81 Sep 22 Tu | Minor | Transport: No.10 letter to Chapman and Dowling, Consulting Engineers (“Proposals for a Channel link”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Sep 24 Th | Major | Transport: No.10 letter to Howell PS (Prime Minister’s meeting on the Channel tunnel) [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 9 Mo | Major | Transport: Howell minute to MT (“Channel link”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 13 Fr | Major | Transport: No.10 Private Office minute to Policy Unit (Euroroute: brief for Prime Minister’s meeting with Mr. MacGregor) [asks for comment on Channel tunnel brief] [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 13 Fr | Major | Transport: Department of Industry briefing for MT (“Prime Minister’s meeting on the Channel tunnel”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 16 Mo | Major | Transport: Brittan minute to MT (“Channel link”) [urges cost-benefit analysis before too much progress in talks with French] [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 17 Tu | Major | Transport: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Howell, Jenkin, Ian MacGregor, Sir John Howard) [Channel tunnel/bridge] [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 18 We | Minor | Transport: Atkins minute to Howell (Channel tunnel) [wants FCO involved in talks] [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 25 We | Major | Transport: Gow minute for Michael Alexander (“Channel tunnel”) [Ian McGregor wants to meet Mitterrand; MT thinks it ‘premature’] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 2 We | Major | Transport: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (Cross-Channel link) [declassified 2012] |