1980 Sep 8 - 1982 Oct 21
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
South Africa (Internal situation; relations with UK) (Part 2)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2012 Dec 28 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 212 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/923 - download whole file (PDF, 31.89 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 55
Date | Value | Title |
80 Sep 8 Mo | Major | South Africa: Nott letter to Carrington (Namibia) [resist likely calls for sanctions following unhelpful SA response to UNSG] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 9 Tu | Major | South Africa: Cabinet Office minute to No.10 (“South Africa”) [arms embargo] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 10 We | Major | South Africa: FCO minute to Nott (“South Africa”) [UN sanctions, Namibia] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 11 Th | Major | South Africa: FCO minute to No.10 (“Mr. Luce’s Visit to South Africa”) [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 19 Fr | Major | South Africa: UKMIS New York telegram 1312 to FCO (2241Z) (“South Africa: Arms Embargo Committee”) [French, US & African positions] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 19 Fr | Major | South Africa: Cabinet Office briefing for MT (“South Africa and Sanctions - OD(80)53 & 54”) [possible British veto] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 19 Fr | Major | South Africa: Nott minute to MT (“South Africa”) [UN arms embargo & possible trade loss for the UK] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 19 Fr | Major | South Africa: UKMIS New York telegram 1306 to FCO (0042Z) (“South Africa: UN Arms Embargo Committee”) [Franco-US divisions] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 21 Su | Major | South Africa: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Carrington-Pym) [South Africa and sanctions] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 25 Th | Major | South Africa: Nott minute to MT (“South Africa: Proposed Extension of UN Arms Embargo”) [possible trade loss for UK] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 26 Fr | Major | South Africa: Wade-Gery minute to Whitmore (“Sanctions on South Africa”) [Nott’s at odds with Carrington] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 26 Fr | Major | South Africa: FCO to UKE Belgrade (“South African Arms Embargo”) [report of Muskie-Carrington meetingin New York] [declassified 2012] |
80 Sep 30 Tu | Major | South Africa: Joseph minute to MT (“South Africa: Proposed Extension of UN Arms Embargo”) [opposes extension] [declassified 2012] |
80 Oct 3 Fr | Major | South Africa: Walker minute to MT (UN sanctions against South Africa: economic implications for the UK) [declassified 2012] |
80 Oct 6 Mo | Major | South Africa: UKE Pretoria despatch to FCO (“South Africa: Where are we now?”) ["the key concept now is 'confederation'"] [declassified 2012] |
80 Dec 15 Mo | Major | South Africa: UKE Pretoria despatch to FCO (“P W Botha’s Referendum: a Progress Report and the Coming Crunch”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Jan 15 Th | Major | South Africa: UK Ambassador despatch for Carrington (“South Africa: Annual Review 1980”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Jan 29 Th | Major | South Africa: UKE Pretoria to FCO (“General Election”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Mar 4 We | Minor | South Africa: No.10 note for MT (Humprey Berkeley’s call from Johannesburg) [declassified 2012] |
81 Mar 16 Mo | Major | South Africa: UKE Pretoria telegram 62 to FCO (1440Z) (“Visit by South African Defence Force Officers to Washington”) [declassified 2012] |