1981 Dec 11 - 1982 Apr 21
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Middle East (Situation in the Middle East) (Part 9)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2012 Dec 28 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 344 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/843 - download whole file (PDF, 68.93 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 59
Date | Value | Title |
81 Dec 11 Fr | Major | Middle East: UKE Paris to FCO (“France and the Middle East”) [press coverage] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 14 Mo | Major | Middle East: UKE Amman to FCO (“French Policy on the Middle East”) [Jordanian concern over a new French line] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 14 Mo | Major | Middle East: UKE Tel Aviv to FCO (“Extension of Israeli Law to the Golan”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 14 Mo | Major | Middle East: UKE Tel Aviv to FCO (“Extension of Israeli Law to the Golan”) [background, comments and reactions] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 15 Tu | Major | Middle East: FCO telegram 1939 to UKE Washington (1730Z) (“Golan Heights”) [US reactions to the annexation of Golan] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 15 Tu | Major | Middle East: UK Consulate Jedda to FCO (“Israel and the Golan Heights”) [the Saudi statement] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 15 Tu | Major | Middle East: UKE Cairo to FCO (“Annexation of Golan: Egyptian Reaction”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 16 We | Major | Middle East: FCO telegram 886 to UKMIS New York (1130Z) (“Middle East Situation and Golan Heights”) [UK votes] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 16 We | Major | Middle East: Carrington to UKE Damascus (“Golan”) [Arab League reactions on Israeli annexation] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 16 We | Major | Middle East: UKMIS New York telegram 1564 to FCO (0033Z) (“Middle East Situation and Golan Heights”) [UN resolutions and voting] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 17 Th | Major | Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 3841 to FCO (2335Z) (“Golan”) [US actions against Israel] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 17 Th | Major | Middle East: UKE Cairo to FCO (“Golan Heights”) [Deputy Prime Minister’s message to MT] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 17 Th | Major | Middle East: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Egyptian Ambassador) [Israeli withdrawal from Sinai] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 17 Th | Major | Middle East: UKMIS New York telegram 1588 to FCO (0228Z) (“Security Council - Golan Heights”) [text of revised draft resolution] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 17 Th | Major | Middle East: UKMIS New York telegram 1590 to FCO (0230Z) (“Security Council - Golan Heights”) [Parsons&rsquo statement: UK Government’s position] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 21 Mo | Major | Middle East: UKE Tel Aviv to FCO (“Golan”) [US-Israeli relations] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 23 We | Major | Middle East: UKE Paris to FCO (“Sinai Force”) [the Four’s participation in the MFO] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 28 Mo | Major | Middle East: UKE Washington telegram 3938 to FCO (2150Z) (“Security Council - Golan Heights”) [American views] [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 29 Tu | Major | Middle East: UKE Tel Aviv to FCO (“Sinai Force”) [declassified 2012] |
81 Dec 30 We | Major | Middle East: FCO telegram 2001 to UKE Washington and UKE Cairo (1200Z) (“Sinai MFO”) [consultations of the Four] [declassified 2012] |