1979 Oct 15 - 1982 Mar 25
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
France (Anglo-French relations; Prime Minister's meetings with President Giscard d'Estaing and President Mitterrand) (Part 1)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2012 Dec 28 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 268 |
Any docs withheld? | 6 |
PREM19/760 - download whole file (PDF, 50.91 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 16 of 16
Date | Value | Title |
79 Oct 15 Mo | Major | France: Soames minute to MT (Anglo-French relations) [declassified 2012] |
80 Feb 4 Mo | Major | France: Carrington minute to MT ("Anglo-French Relations") [declassified 2012] |
80 Nov 13 Th | Major | France: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Giscard) [military spending, election of Reagan, Schmidt visit to US, East/West relations] [declassified 2012] |
80 Nov 21 Fr | Major | France: FCO letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Telephone Conversation with President Giscard") [line to take] [declassified 2012] |
80 Nov 21 Fr | Major | France: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Giscard) [MT's conversation with Schmidt, Middle East, quadripartite summit, Commission portfolios, New Zealand, Luxembourg] [declassified 2012] |
80 Dec 19 Fr | Major | France: FCO record of conversation (Carrington-French Foreign Minister Francois-Poncet) [Poland, Afghanistan, Uganda, Chad, EC, EC Budget, New Zeland butter and Australian beef] [declassified 2012] |
81 Feb 5 Th | Major | France: Department of Industry letter to No.10 ("Concorde Cost-Sharing") [declassified 2012] |
81 Feb 13 Fr | Major | France: Soames minute to MT ("Concorde Cost Sharing") [declassified 2012] |
81 May 28 Th | Major | France: FCO record of conversation (Carrington-French Foreign Minister Cheysson) [EC, Poland, CSCE/CDE, Arab-Israel, Lebanon, Southern Africa, Chad, Afghanistan] [declassified 2012] |
81 Jun 5 Fr | Major | France: Carrington minute to MT ("Anglo-French Relations") [declassified 2012] |
81 Jul 17 Fr | Major | France: Julian Amery MP letter to MT (thoughts on Mitterrand) [declassified 2012] |
81 Sep 10 Th | Major | France: HMT record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer-Delors) [UK and French economies, EMS, EC Budget] [declassified 2012] |
81 Sep 11 Fr | Major | France: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Mitterrand) [one-to-one session: Northern Ireland and hunger strike at HMP Maze, Cancun, EC] [declassified 2012] |
81 Sep 11 Fr | Major | France: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Mitterrand) [plenary session: Anglo-French relations, EC issues, foreign affairs, economic affairs, industry, transport, energy, research and space] [declassified 2012] |
81 Nov 22 Su | Minor | France: MT letter to Mitterrand (opening of new immunology department at the Institut Pasteur) [declassified 2012] |
82 Jan 18 Mo | Major | France: HMT record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer-Delors) [Japan, US, EC issues] [declassified 2012] |