
1982 May 25 - 1982 May 27
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falklands) (Part 20)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2012 Dec 28
Classification: Secret
Page count: 286
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Showing items 81 - 100 of 103

Per page:
Date Value Title
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: UKE Brasilia telegram 210 to FCO (1630Z) ("Falklands: Rio Treaty Meeting") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: FCO telegram 109 to UKE Bogota (1659Z) ("Falkland Islands: Joint Approach of Presidents of Colombia, Brazil and Peru") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: FCO telegram 110 to UKE Bogota (1659Z) ("Joint Approach of Presidents of Colombia, Brazil and Peru") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: FCO telegram 1065 to Haig (1800Z) (Pym updates Haig on state of British public opinion) ["What people want to see is the repossession of the Islands and the restoration of British administration"] [declassified 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: UKE Mexico City telegram 441 to FCO (1841Z) ("Prime Minister's Message to Mexican President") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: UKE Lima telegram 202 to FCO (1933Z) ("Falklands: Press Highlights") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: UKMIS New York telegram 858 to FCO (2105Z) ("Falklands: Security Council") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 26 We Major Falklands: UKE Mexico City telegram 439 to FCO (2355Z) ("Falklands: Rio Treaty Meeting") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: UKMIS New York telegram 868 to FCO (0104Z) ("Falklands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: UKMIS New York telegram 869 to FCO (0121Z) ("Falklands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1921 to FCO (0425Z) ("Falklands") [Henderson spells out US views on what to do next: "I am conscious of a gap between the mood in London and opinion here"] [declassified 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: FCO Sitrep (0530Z) (0630, 27 May) [amended Irish draft adopted as Resolution 505] [declassified 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: MT message to President Lopez Portillo of Mexico (the Falklands conflict) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Minor Falklands: Department of Environment letter to No.10 (copy of Sports minister's Commons speech: "Government Policy on Sporting Contacts with Argentina as it Affects Participation in the World Cup") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: Cabinet Office minute to South Atlantic Presentation Unit (Falklands: Security Council Resolution 505; Participation in the World Cup) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Minor Falklands: UKE Luxembourg letter to No.10 (Exocet missiles: suggestion for displacing the centre of a radar target) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: Michel Debré letter to UK Ambassador Paris ("À propos des Malouines") [expresses approval and admiration for British policy] [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: Glover letter for Coles ("The Falkland Islands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: UKE Luxembourg telegram 167 to FCO (0920Z) ("Falkland Islands: Arms Sales") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 May 27 Th Major Falklands: UKMIS Geneva telegram 275 to FCO (0930Z) ("Lieutenant Glover: Telecon Hart/Hulse") [declassified Dec 2012]