
1982 Apr 23 - 1982 Apr 26
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falklands) (Part 10)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2012 Dec 28
Classification: Secret
Page count: 300
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 94

Per page:
Date Value Title
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Mexico City telegram 310 to FCO (0057Z) ("Falkland Islands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO Situation Report (0600Z) (Falkland Islands: Pym's visit to Washington; OAS; Non-Aligned Movement; Cuba; China; The Commonwealth; US Press) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Mexico City telegram 316 to FCO (0830Z) ("Falkland Islands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: No.10 minute to MT ("Mr Edward Du Cann") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Minor Falklands: No.10 minute to MT ("Chequers, Sunday 25 April - List of Guests") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: No.10 minute to FCO ("Falkland Islands Population") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("Falkland Islands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 (departure of a number of teachers from the Falkland Islands) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("Assistance from certain West African Governments over the Falkland Islands Dispute") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 ("The Commonwealth and the Falkland Islands Dispute") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: MOD minute to No.10 ("Operation Corporate: Vulcan Support") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Vienna minute to FCO ("Falklands Crisis: Austrian Media Comment") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: Wade-Gery minute to No.10 ("Falklands: Military Decisions") [decisions taken by Mandarins' Group - Conqueror and Argentine 707s overflying Task Force; MT: "Who represents the PM?"] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: Commonwealth Coordination Department report ("Commonwealth Governments' Reactions to Falklands Crisis") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: Armstrong minute to Acland (articles about the intelligence cover of the operations in the South Atlantic) [some material in Sunday Times articles on 18 Apr "remarkably accurate", must have had some official sources] [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: Cockfield letter for Pym (Ban on exports to Argentina) [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: BIS Buenos Aires telegram 44 to FCO (1000Z) ("Press Summary") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: UKE Ankara telegram 1160 to FCO (1340Z) ("Falkland Islands") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO minute to No.10 (1430Z) ("Falklands: Norwegian Ban on Argentine Imports") [declassified Dec 2012]
82 Apr 23 Fr Major Falklands: FCO telegram 64 to UKE Berne (1445Z) (warning from HMG to be conveyed by Swiss to Argentine Government) [all Argentine naval and aircraft will be considered hostile and will "encounter the appropriate response"] [declassified 2012]