
1982 Apr 8 - 1982 Apr 11
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Argentina (Falklands) (Part 5)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2012 Dec 28
Classification: Secret
Page count: 216
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 41 - 56 of 56

Per page:
Date Value Title
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: Haig message to MT (0645Z) (proposal arising from Haig's discussions with the Argentine Government) ["I am sure you would agree that any military confrontation must be avoided at all costs until you have been able to consider this draft proposal"] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: Pattison minute to Whitmore (arrangements for MT-Haig meeting) [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: FCO letter to No.10 ("The Falkland Islands: Mr Haig's Visit of 12 April") [briefing; unredacted text] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: South Atlantic Presentation Unit paper - SAPU(82)2 (speaking notes for Ministers) [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: No.10 letter to South Atlantic Presentation Unit ("South Atlantic Presentation Unit") [MT's comments on SAPU notes for Ministers] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: John Cheek (Falklands Legislative Council Member) letter to MT ("A possible future for the Falkland Islands after the withdrawal of Argentine forces") [Andorra-type solution] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: Pym interview for BBC's World This Weekend (c1200Z) (Haig's latest proposals) [does not expect any Argentine ships to be inside MEZ when it goes into effect] [this copy declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1230 to FCO (1540Z) ("Falklands: Soviet-Argentinian Collusion") [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: MT message to Haig (1540Z) (maritime exclusion zone) ["Argentina is the aggressor ... The right way to prevent naval incidents is therefore for Argentina to remove all her naval vessels from the MEZ"] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Montevideo telegram 94 to FCO (1643Z) ("British Interests Section in Buenos Aires") [letter received by safe hand from BIS; Argentine authorities presently "are trying to protect all things British" in their country, but this could "change rapidly once the British fleet is in the area"] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Montevideo telegram 95 to FCO (1644Z) ("Royal Marines") [whereabouts of captured Royal Marines unclear] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: BRITDEFAT Montevideo telegram to MODUK (1735Z) ("Points not yet covered by your previous signals") [information on Argentine equipment deployed, from press and 'travellers'] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Lima telegram 79 to FCO (1800Z) ("Falklands") [Peru urges truce] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Minor Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1231 to FCO (1805Z) ("Message to Haig") [the message has been passed to Haig on his plane] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Washington telegram 1234 to FCO (1835Z) ("Falklands: Mrs Kirkpatrick") [Kirkpatrick interviewed on US television; Argentine invasion not aggression if they already owned the islands] [declassified 2012]
82 Apr 11 Su Major Falklands: UKE Tokyo telegram 692 to FCO (2330Z) ("Economic Measures Against Argentina") [UK urges Japan to take action against Argentina] [declassified 2012]