1980 Dec 4 - 1981 Feb 16
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Nationalised industries (Prospects for the steel industry; the Iron and Steel Bill; British Steel Corporation (BSC) corporate plan) (Part 8)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2011 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 155 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/548 - download whole file (PDF, 90.38 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 20
Date | Value | Title |
80 Dec 3 We | Major | Steel: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Steel Industry (E(80) 138 and 139") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 3 We | Major | Steel: Ibbs minute to Lankester ("Steel") [prospects for the steel industry, British Steel Corporation and private sector steel] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 10 We | Major | Steel: Gaffin minute to Lankester (Ian MacGregor of British Steel Corporation speaks to Parliamentary Press Gallery) ["His main message was that BSC is bankrupt and should be liquidated"] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 16 Tu | Major | Steel: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Iron and Steel Bill 1981 (E(80) 144)") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 16 Tu | Major | Steel: Joseph minute to MT ("BSC's Corporate Plan: Closures") [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 16 Tu | Major | Steel: Lankester minute to MT ("BSC's Corporate Plan") [MT on proposed BSC closures: "This can't be done before Xmas. It would be a terrible Xmas present for many families"] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 16 Tu | Major | Steel: Stevas minute to MT (British Steel Corporation financial problems) [argues against separate Bill on BSC's borrowing limit] [declassified 2011] |
80 Dec 17 We | Major | Steel: Edwards minute to MT ("BSC Corporate Plan: Closures") [response to proposed closures] [declassified 2011] |
81 Jan 14 We | Major | Steel: Sanders minute to MT ("Dale Campbell-Savours and Ian MacGregor") [allegation that BSC have been distorting statistics about Workington plant] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 2 Mo | Major | Steel: Armstrong briefing for MT ("British Steel Corporation: Corporate Plan (E(81) 11, 13 and 14)") [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 2 Mo | Major | Steel: Hoskyns minute to MT ("BSC: Thinking the Unthinkable") [need for 'real decisions' on future of British Steel Corporation] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 2 Mo | Major | Steel: Ibbs minute to Lankester ("British Steel Corporation") [deciding on closures] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 4 We | Major | Steel: R. Sidaway of Ductile Steels Ltd letter to MT (need to protect private sector from "grossly unfair" competition of British Steel Corporation) ["there will be no Private Sector left in a matter of months"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 6 Fr | Major | Steel: Armstrong minute to Whitmore ("British Steel Corporation: Corporate Plan") [comments on Joseph's draft statement on BSC Corporate Plan] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 6 Fr | Major | Steel: Joseph minute to MT ("British Steel Corporation: Corporate Plan") [MT comments on draft statement: "This statement as drafted will bring maximum harm to the Govt."] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 9 Mo | Major | Steel: Duport Steel Works employees letter to MT (British Steel Corporation competition threatens to put Duport out of business) ["what we fail to understand is why we are being disadvantaged to such a high degree by the amount of support given to the BSC"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 9 Mo | Major | Steel: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Joseph-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Pym-Armstrong-Ryrie-Ibbs-Steele) [proposed statement on BSC Corporate Plan] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 12 Th | Major | Steel: Lankester minute to MT (report on phone call from Derek Norton of Hadfields steel) ["He said that Hadfields were being crucified by unfair competition from BSC"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 13 Fr | Major | Steel: MT letter to R. Sidaway of Ductile Steels Ltd (private sector steel and competition from the British Steel Corporation) [declassified 2011] |
81 Feb 21 Sa | Major | Steel: Joseph minute to MT ("Duport Ltd") [Duport about to be put into receivership by the Midland Bank] [declassified 2011] |