
1981 Mar 3 - 1981 Sep 18
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Nationalised industries (Privatisation) (Part 4)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2011 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 398
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 28

Per page:
Date Value Title
81 Mar 10 Tu Major Privatisation: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Nationalised Industries: Privatisation") [present state of play on privatisation programme; recommends "more radical development" of privatisation policy] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 13 Fr Major Nationalised Industries: Armstrong minute to MT ("The Relationship between Government and Nationalised Industries") [rethinking the relationship] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 16 Mo Major Nationalised Industries: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Government/Nationalised Industries Relationship") [rethinking the relationship] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 17 Tu Major Privatisation: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Nationalised Industries: Privatisation") [need for "new impetus" for privatisation programme] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 18 We Major Economy: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chancellor of the Exchequer) [appointments to Treasury Select Committee, Petrol Tax, Civil Service pay, water manuals, control of Nationalised Industries, privatisation] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 27 Fr Major Nationalised Industries: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Relationship between Government and Nationalised Industries") [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 27 Fr Major Nationalised Industries: Walters paper ("Notes on Mr. Cropper's Paper on Financing More Investment to Nationalised Industries") [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 30 Mo Major Nationalised Industries: HMT record of conversation (Chancellor of the Exchequer-Brittan-Lawson-Alan Walters-Ridley-Cropper-Wolfson-Duguid-Young-Ryrie-Monck-Burgner) ["Nationalised Industries Investment"] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 31 Tu Major Nationalised Industries: Cabinet Office record of conversation (MT-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Joseph-Howell-Fowler-Ibbs-Armstrong-Le Cheminant-Moore) [the relationship between Government and the Nationalised Industries] [declassified 2011]
81 Apr 1 We Major Nationalised Industries: Walters minute to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Nationalised Industry Financing") [addressing points of disagreement] [declassified 2011]
81 May 29 Fr Major Privatisation: Lankester minute to Armstrong (Chairmanship of E(DL)) ["In the light of Press speculation over the weekend about Sir Keith's future, the Prime Minister has decided that she does not wish to make any change in the Chairmanship of E(DL)"] [declassified 2011]
81 Jun 18 Th Major Privatisation: Pattison minute to MT (Fowler's statement to the Commons on privatisation of the National Freight Company) [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 8 We Major Privatisation: Fowler letter to Joseph (Fowler proposes privatisation of the National Bus Company) [MT: "Good"] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 9 Th Major Privatisation: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT (report of seminar on privatisation) [argues for study of combined regional structure and regulatory regime] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 13 Mo Major Privatisation: Lawson letter to Joseph ("National Bus Company: Privatisation of National Express") [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 22 We Major Privatisation: Fowler letter to Lawson ("National Bus Company: Privatisation of National Express") [Lord Shepherd favourable to privatisation plans] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 27 Mo Major Privatisation: Lawson letter to Fowler ("National Bus Company: Privatisation of National Express") ["I am bound to say that a residual NBC shareholding of 30% remains most unwelcome, but given the need to secure Lord Shepherd's cooperation I am prepared to proceed on this basis"] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 28 Tu Major Nationalised Industries: Ibbs minute to MT ("Nationalised Industries") [CPRS report on relationship between Nationalised Industries and Government] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 28 Tu Major Nationalised Industries: Joseph minute to MT (CPRS report on relationship between Nationalised Industries and Government) [Tebbit, Marshall and Young to attend meeting in Joseph's place] [declassified 2011]
81 Jul 30 Th Major Nationalised Industries: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Nationalised Industries: 1981 Investment and Financing Review (E(81) 79 and 81)") [declassified 2011]