1981 Oct 22 - 1981 Nov 6
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Ireland (Prime Minister's meetings with the Taoiseach (Garret Fitzgerald); Anglo-Irish Summit, November 1981) (Part 5)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2011 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 224 |
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Showing items 1 - 14 of 14
Date | Value | Title |
81 Oct 27 Tu | Major | Ireland: Northern Ireland Office record of conversation (Prior-Taoiseach Fitzgerald) [tete a tete: Anglo-Irish relations, political affairs in Northern Ireland] [declassified 2011] |
81 Oct 27 Tu | Major | Ireland: Northern Ireland Office record of conversation (Prior-Taoiseach Fitzgerald) [plenary session: Anglo-Irish joint studies, Anglo-Irish cooperation council, all Ireland court and security, guarantee, economic affairs] [declassified 2011] |
81 Oct 28 We | Major | Ireland: Prior minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Joint Studies: Irish Voting Rights in Northern Ireland") [declassified 2011] |
81 Oct 29 Th | Major | Ireland: Prior minute to MT (Anglo-Irish summit: possible supply of natural gas from Ireland to Northern Ireland) [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 2 Mo | Major | Ireland: Armstrong minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Summit") [Armstrong and Nally to discuss arrangements for MT-Fitzgerald meeting; MT: "I just can't agree that [draft] communique"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 4 We | Major | Ireland: Alexander minute to MT ("Anglo-Irish Summit: The Draft Communique") [comments on the communique] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 4 We | Major | Ireland: Armstrong minute to Alexander (Anglo-Irish summit) [Fitzgerald seeking British commitment "to support any future wish by the majority in Northern Ireland to become part of a united Ireland"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 4 We | Major | Ireland: Armstrong minute to Alexander (Anglo-Irish summit) [request that the Tanaiste, O'Leary, should be allowed to attend first fifteen minutes of MT-Fitzgerald meeting] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 4 We | Major | Ireland: Armstrong minute to Alexander ("Anglo-Irish Joint Studies") [texts for publication and arrangements for press conference] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 5 Th | Major | Ireland: FCO letter to No.10 ("Anglo-Irish Summit: Possible Statement to the House of Commons") [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 5 Th | Major | Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Anglo-Irish Summit: Proportional Representation") [possible use of proportional representation in Northern Ireland for Westminster elections] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 6 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Paisley letter to MT (Anglo-Irish summit between MT and Taoiseach Fitzgerald) [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 6 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Gow minute to MT ("Northern Ireland Communique") [Gow concerned about draft communique: "I think we are giving too many concessions to the Irish...and will increase suspicions even among moderate, reasonable Unionists"] [declassified 2011] |
81 Nov 6 Fr | Major | Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Taoiseach Fitzgerald-British and Irish Ministers) [plenary session: constitutional change in Northern Ireland, Anglo-Irish cooperation, terrorism, situation in Northern Ireland] [declassified 2011] |