
1979 Jun 15 - 1981 Jul 9
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Civil service (Pay of professional, technological and scientific grades: possibility of industrial action; review of Scientific Civil Service)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2011 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 282
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 21

Per page:
Date Value Title
79 Jun 15 Fr Major Civil Service: Lord President's Office letter to No.10 (one day strike called by Institution of Professional Civil Servants) [MT: "we must stand firm" on pay] [declassified 2011]
79 Jun 20 We Major Civil Service: Soames minute to MT (negotiations with Institution of Professional Civil Servants) [IPCS strike] [declassified 2011]
79 Jun 21 Th Major Civil Service: Department of Trade letter to No.10 ("Civil Aviation Authority - Effect of IPCS Strike Call") [declassified 2011]
79 Jun 22 Fr Major Civil Service: Civil Service Department letter to No.10 ("IPCS Industrial Action") [impact of strike action] [declassified 2011]
79 Jun 29 Fr Major Civil Service: Lord President's Office letter to No.10 ("IPCS Pay Dispute") [latest developments; impact of strike action] [declassified 2011]
79 Jul 9 Mo Major Civil Service: MT letter to Ken Weetch MP (IPCS pay dispute) [background to the dispute and HMG's position] [declassified 2011]
79 Jul 11 We Major Civil Service: Soames minute to MT ("1979 Pay Review for Civil Servant Scientists") [agreement achieved] [declassified 2011]
79 Jul 17 Tu Major Civil Service: Lord President's Office letter to No.10 ("Institution of Professional Civil Servants Dispute") [account of Soames' meeting with union representatives] [declassified 2011]
79 Jul 17 Tu Major Civil Service: MT letter to Geraint Morgan MP (Institution of Professional Civil Servants pay dispute) [pay of scientists] [declassified 2011]
79 Jul 27 Fr Major Civil Service: Lord President's Office letter to No.10 ("IPCS Dispute") [account of Soames' meeting with union representatives] [declassified 2011]
79 Aug 2 Th Major Civil Service: Lord President's Office letter to No.10 ("Civil Service Professional and Technology Staff: Pay Dispute") [IPCS accept offered pay package] [declassified 2011]
79 Aug 10 Fr Major Civil Service: MT letter to Geraint Morgan MP (Institution of Professional Civil Servants pay dispute) [pay of scientists] [declassified 2011]
79 Nov 28 We Major Civil Service: Channon letter to Joseph (Institution of Professional Civil Servants pay dispute) [dispute "has now taken a new turn which could bring further industrial action"] [declassified 2011]
80 Jan 4 Fr Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Professional and Technology Group Pay Dispute") ["There may be some difficulties created by the IPCS as a result of the award"] [declassified 2011]
80 May 2 Fr Major Civil Service: Channon minute to MT ("Civil Service Pay Settlements") [declassified 2011]
80 Jun 27 Fr Major Civil Service: Younger letter to Pym ("ROF Bishopton: Industrial Action") [MT: "We can't go on spending vast sums to keep people on strike. The alternative is for them to work"] [declassified 2011]
80 Jul 4 Fr Major Civil Service: Royal Society letter to MT ("grave concern" over pay award to scientists proposed by the Civil Service Department) [declassified 2011]
80 Jul 8 Tu Major Civil Service: Soames minute to MT ("1980 Civil Service Pay: Science Group") [declassified 2011]
80 Jul 10 Th Major Civil Service: Lord Strathcona minute to MT ("1980 Civil Service Pay: Science Group") [declassified 2011]
80 Jul 24 Th Major Civil Service: MT letter to Sir John Mason of The Royal Society (Government pay offer to scientific civil servants) [declassified 2011]