
1981 Feb 9 - 1981 Jun 10
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Civil service (Cynon Valley Borough Council dispute with Welsh Office over allocation of funds for highway maintenance)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2011 Dec 30
Classification: Confidential
Page count: 24
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 7 of 7

Date Value Title
81 Feb 8 Su Minor Civil Service: G.W. Hosgood of Cynon Valley Borough Council letter to MT ("Allocation of Funds for Highway Maintenance") ["concern and disgust" at "inexcusable delay of the Welsh Office" in dealing with appeal] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 2 Mo Minor Civil Service: Welsh Office letter to No.10 ("Background Note on Dispute Between Cynon Valley Borough Council and Mid Glamorgan County Council") [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 3 Tu Minor Civil Service: Pattison minute to MT (dispute between Cynon Valley Borough Council and Mid Glamorgan County Council) ["Here is a case of delay in the Welsh Office, concerning a relatively small item, but showing Government at its worst"] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 9 Mo Minor Civil Service: Edwards minute to MT ("Cynon Valley Borough Council") ["I fully understand your well justified concern" about Welsh Office mishandling of case] [declassified 2011]
81 Mar 12 Th Minor Civil Service: MT letter to G.W. Hosgood of Cynon Valley Borough Council (Welsh Office maladministration in dealing with dispute between Cynon Valley Borough Council and Mid Glamorgan County Council) ["I would like to tender an unreserved apology to the Council for the delay"] [declassified 2011]
81 Jun 4 Th Minor Civil Service: Edwards minute to MT ("Cynon Valley Borough Council") [result of formal inquiry into mishandling of case by Welsh Office; MT: "I fear that the same thing will eventually happen again unless we can take firmer action than this"] [declassified 2011]
81 Jun 9 Tu Minor Civil Service: Whitmore minute to MT ("Cynon Valley Borough Council") [mishandling of case by Welsh Office; MT: "The whole sorry tale reveals an appalling lack of management talent in the Civil Service system"] [declassified 2011]