1980 Feb 26 - 1980 Jul 1
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Social Services (Taxation of short term benefits, supplementary benefits and strikers' benefits; financial treatment of strikers and their families) (Part 3)
Document type: | File list item |
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2010 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Confidential |
Page count: | 111 |
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PREM19/367 - download whole file (PDF, 44.2 MB)
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Showing items 1 - 14 of 14
Per page:
Date | Value | Title |
80 Feb 27 We | Major | Social Services: Armstrong minute to MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [second report of MISC 33] [declassified 2010] |
80 Feb 27 We | Major | Social Services: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [declassified 2010] |
80 Feb 27 We | Major | Social Services: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Benefits for Strikers") [comments on second report of MISC 33] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 6 Th | Major | Social Services: Armstrong minute to MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [paper by officials on provisionally agreed package] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 7 Fr | Major | Social Services: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 7 Fr | Major | Social Services: Lord Cockfield minute to MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 7 Fr | Major | Social Services: Nott minute to MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [question of whether to specifically target trade union members] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 10 Mo | Major | Social Services: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families - Meeting at 6.00 pm on 10th March") [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 11 Tu | Major | Social Services: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Chancellor of the Exchequer-Joseph-Prior-Jenkin-Nott-Cockfield-Armstrong) ["The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 12 We | Major | Social Services: Armstrong briefing for MT ("The Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families (C(80) 18)") [question of whether to specifically target trade union members] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 12 We | Major | Social Services: Channon minute to MT ("Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [staffing implications of proposed measures] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 12 We | Major | Social Services: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Financial Treatment of Strikers and their Families") [question of whether to specifically target trade union members] [declassified 2010] |
80 Jun 30 Mo | Major | Social Services: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Qualification for Unemployment Benefit for Workers laid off in a Trade Dispute (E(80) 61)") [declassified 2010] |
80 Jun 30 Mo | Major | Social Services: Hoskyns minute to MT ("Unemployment Benefit") [strikers' eligiblity for unemployment benefit] [declassified 2010] |