1980 Feb 29 - 1980 Mar 19
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Rhodesia (Situation in) (Part 16)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2010 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 224 |
Any docs withheld? |
PREM19/346 - download whole file (PDF, 62.62 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 32
Date | Value | Title |
80 Feb 29 Fr | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO to UKE Salisbury ("Rhodesia: House of Commons") [MT expresses appreciation in the Commons to those administering Rhodesian elections] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 1 Sa | Major | Zimbabwe: General Peter Walls letter to MT (appeals to MT to assist in prevention of a Mugabe-headed Government) [criticises Soames, reports "massive intimidation" by Mugabe] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 2 Su | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Election") [election results and assessments of fairness of electoral process] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 2 Su | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Rhodesia: Formation of Government") [report that Nkomo's party leadership will refuse to participate in a coalition with Mugabe] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 3 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: British Consulate-General Cape Town to FCO ("Rhodesia Election") [UK Ambassador's discussions with Pik Botha regarding election result] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 3 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO letter to No.10 ("Rhodesia: Message from General Walls") [Carrington and MT how to respond to Walls' message to MT] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 3 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO to UKE Salisbury ("Rhodesia: Message from General Walls") [MT's response to letter from General Walls] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 3 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Rhodesia: Formation of the Government") [Duff and Renwick meeting with NJOC and General Walls] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 4 Tu | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Rhodesia: Formation of the Government") [Renwick's talk with General Walls] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 4 Tu | Major | Zimbabwe: Commonwealth Secretary-General Ramphal message to MT (elections in Rhodesia) ["In my message to Robert Mugabe, I have assured him of the welcome that awaits Zimbabwe in the fraternity of the Commonwealth"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 4 Tu | Major | Zimbabwe: President Tolbert of Liberia letter to MT (elections in Rhodesia) ["we wish to commend you and your Government for the achievements thus far attained in the implementation of the Lancaster House Agreement"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 5 We | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Assistance to Rhodesia") [UK assistance pre- and post-independence] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 5 We | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO letter to No.10 ("Rhodesia: Commonwealth Observers: Interim Report") [Commonwealth observers conclude that polling 'can be considered to have been free and fair'] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 5 We | Major | Zimbabwe: Commonwealth Secretary-General Ramphal letter to MT (elections in Rhodesia) ["I should like to convey...a particular word of appreciation of the unique and pre-eminent contribution that you and your Government have made to yesterday's advancement of the Lusaka Accord"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 6 Th | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO to UKE Kuala Lumpur ("Assistance to Rhodesia") ["we must be careful not to be drawn too far in the direction of a continuing direct involvement in Rhodesia"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 6 Th | Major | Zimbabwe: Prime Minister Manley of Jamaica letter to MT (elections in Rhodesia) ["Please accept best wishes and congratulations on successful outcome"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 6 Th | Major | Zimbabwe: MT letter to Commonwealth Secretary-General Ramphal (elections in Rhodesia) ["Thank you so much for your generous letter"] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 7 Fr | Major | Zimbabwe: UKE Salisbury to FCO ("Rhodesia: Press") [statement to press by Soames' spokesman] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 10 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: FCO to UKE Salisbury ("Assistance for Rhodesia") [specific assistance measures] [declassified 2010] |
80 Mar 10 Mo | Major | Zimbabwe: Mainza Chona, Secretary-General of the UNIP of Zambia, letter to MT (elections in Rhodesia) [supports Mugabe, conveys concern that "all was done to prevent the Patriotic Front Alliance from winning"] [declassified 2010] |