
1980 Jun 4 - 1980 Sep 19
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

European Policy (European Community budget) (Part 9)

Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2010 Dec 30
Classification: Secret
Page count: 196
Any docs withheld?

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 26

Per page:
Date Value Title
80 Jun 4 We Major EC: FCO letter to No.10 ("EC Budget Settlement: Messages from the Prime Minister") [draft messages from MT to EC leaders] [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 4 We Major EC: Franklin briefing for MT ("Cabinet 5 June: Community Affairs") [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 4 We Major EC: HMT letter to Paymaster General's Office ("European Community Budget Settlement") [briefing note] [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 10 Tu Major EC: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Community Affairs") [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 11 We Major EC: Armstrong minute to Alexander ("European Council: Reactions to the Budget Settlement") [briefing note] [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 11 We Major EC: HMT letter to No.10 ("EEC Budget Settlement: Timing of Payments") [state of play] [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 17 Tu Major EC: Chancellor of the Exchequer minute to MT ("Additionality and the Use of Community Funds") [MT: "No 'additional' spending"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 23 Mo Major EC: Heseltine minute to MT ("Additionality and the Use of Community Funds") [declassified 2010]
80 Jun 27 Fr Major EC: FCO letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Meeting with Chancellor Schmidt: 1% ceiling") [MT comment on VAT ceiling: "This is serious...We must resolve the position quickly"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 1 Tu Major EC: Atkins letter to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("Additionality and the Use of Community Funds") [MT: "No additional expenditure. All European money to go to reduce PSBR"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 2 We Major EC: HMT letter to No.10 ("Presentation in the Public Expenditure Survey of the UK Contribution to the Community Budget") [MT: "We must discuss. I just can't accept these interpretations"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 7 Mo Major EC: No.10 record of telephone conversation (MT-Chancellor of the Exchequer) [MT says "she would be very angry if it came about that she had negotiated the settlement on the basis of information different from that which was emerging now"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 9 We Trivial EC: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Community Affairs") ["This is perhaps the shortest brief I shall ever submit to you"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 9 We Major EC: HMT letter to No.10 ("Presentation in the Public Expenditure Survey of the UK Contribution to the Community Budget") [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 11 Fr Major EC: Armstrong minute to MT ("Future Community Strategy") [meeting of Permanent Secretaries] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 11 Fr Major EC: HMT letter to No.10 ("European Community: Preliminary Draft Budget for 1981") [background note] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 15 Tu Major EC: HMT letter to No.10 ("Prime Minister's Meeting with Chancellor Schmidt: 1% Ceiling") [MT: "The more I read the more appalled I become"] [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 16 We Major EC: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Cabinet: Community Affairs") [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 18 Fr Major EC: Carrington minute to MT ("Supplementary Expenditure in the United Kingdom under Article 235 of the Treaty of Rome") [declassified 2010]
80 Jul 21 Mo Major EC: Carrington minute to MT ("EC Budget") [declassified 2010]