1979 Oct 24 - 1979 Nov 29
Prime Ministerial Private Office files
Ireland (Northern Ireland situation) (Part 4)
Source: | TNA, PREM19 series |
Release date: | 2009 Dec 30 |
Classification: | Secret |
Page count: | 225 |
Any docs withheld? | 1 |
PREM19/83 - download whole file (PDF, 31.29 MB)
Selections from this file
Showing items 1 - 20 of 24
Date | Value | Title |
79 Oct 25 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Lunch with the US Ambassador") [Atkins' meeting with Brewster] [declassified 2009] |
79 Oct 26 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Paisley letter to MT (request for a meeting with MT) [Northern Ireland devolution] [declassified 2009] |
79 Oct 26 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Stowe letter to MT (letter of thanks and note by Maurice Oldfield, Northern Ireland Security Coordinator) [declassified 2009] |
79 Oct 29 Mo | Major | Northern Ireland: Pym minute to MT ("Northern Ireland Force Level") [Pym has a "serious concern about the over-commitment of the Armed Forces"] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 1 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 (response to Paisley's request for a meeting with MT) [MT should agree to see "not just Paisley but [also] the other two leaders of Northern Ireland political parties at Westminster concurrently"] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 2 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Armstrong briefing for MT ("Northern Ireland: Political Development (OD(79) 39)") [paper prepared for meeting with leaders of Northern Ireland political parties] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 5 Mo | Major | Northern Ireland: MT letter to Paisley (proposal of meeting between MT, Paisley, Molyneaux and Fitt) [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 8 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 note of telephone conversation (Sanders-Paisley) [Paisley refuses to meet MT with Molyneaux and Fitt] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 8 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 3623 to FCO (2346Z) ("Arms for RUC") [suggested next steps and pressuring the US Government] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 9 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 letter to Northern Ireland Office ("Dr. Ian Paisley") [MT prepared to see Paisley individually; Paisley accepts invitation] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 9 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 (Consultative Document on the Government of Northern Ireland) [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 9 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("Murder of Lord Mountbatten") [report on progress of trial] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 13 Tu | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 ("Meetings with Northern Ireland Political Leaders") [briefing documents] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 14 We | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Molyneaux, leader of the Official Ulster Unionist Party) [Northern Ireland security and political situation] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 14 We | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 record of conversation (MT-Paisley) [Northern Ireland security and political situation] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 16 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Jim Kilfedder MP letter to MT (argues that all Ulster MPs should be invited to proposed conference on Northern Ireland) ["I feel incensed at being left out"] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 22 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: No.10 letter to Northern Ireland Office ("Speech by Mr. Powell") [Enoch Powell hints at existence of deal between Taoiseach Lynch and MT] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 22 Th | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Dublin to FCO ("The Position of Mr Lynch") [discussion of speculation about Lynch's future as leader of Fianna Fail] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 23 Fr | Major | Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Office letter to No.10 (speech by Enoch Powell) ["For reasons which we cannot fully understand, Mr Powell is at present looking hard for conspiracies and hints of deception..."] [declassified 2009] |
79 Nov 25 Su | Major | Northern Ireland: UKE Washington telegram 3890 to FCO (2320Z) ("Arms for the R.U.C.") [Carter indicates his support for sale of arms to RUC] [declassified 2009] |